Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
That is weird. Are you saying someone cut-n-pasted a bunch of your old posts and sent them to you via the US mail?

that does seem like a lot of unpaid work.
Yeah, I was a little surprised that they worked that hard to make me look foolish. A friend who has zero computer skills said wow that must be an extensive labor of hate.

I was left quite blank. Apparently they registered me on a vile forum. I reported this to appropriate authorities. Intimidation via US Postal service is a federal crime.

Mostly I have just let it go. What kind of loser would attempt to intimidate a disabled senior?

This forum has been a God send to me. Spent 10 yrs doing home hospice for three very loved people. It made me feel connected to the world. My husband has Parkinson's now, so connect the dots.

We still stay active in our community and church. Donate modestly to area programs

So if someone wants to vilify me I guess I say go for it, sicko