Quote Originally Posted by EastsideAl View Post
Hey, let's bring back the workhouses, and the debtor's prisons too! That'll properly punish and straighten out those uppity poor folk for their audaciousness of being in poverty. "Please sir I want some more..... WHAT! ASK FOR MORE?!?" There will sure be no extra measures of gruel given in Mikeyland, right? Lest those semi-starving bellies go soft.

You know this not about "creature comforts", right? It's about goddamn rent so children have a hopefully decent place to live. Or is that too much "creature comfort" for you too? Anyway, I thought an entitled heartless never-troubled libertarian creep like yourself, who seemingly believes that every human problem can be solved simply by applying the invisibly crushing hand of the market, would look favorably on such a market-based solution that rewards private initiative with profit.

Eastside, do you really think limiting entertainment options and not allowing AC is the equivalent of a forced labor situation or debtors prison?

As for creature comforts, I am merely saying that someone living on the public dime should not be allowed to live in unnecessary comfort. And I did post real ideas for helping people: have temporary emergency shelters [[also coupled with aggressive social services), and outright give those in public housing their units, rendering them homeowners. I also said that there should be significant restrictions and responsibilities on people who live in public housing. Having read the Dickens canon, I can't quite see cruelty in those proposals. But that begs the question: is asking for someone to agree to responsible behavior to live at taxpayer expense in and of itself cruel?