Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
Criticism of deals like this hurt Detroit.

I'm not saying that tax-breaks are a good idea... but that's another discussion.

In the meantime, Marathon has been a Detroit company for years. They pay taxes. They employ a lot of people. They want to stand up for their community. Let's help them be proud of what they've done -- not tear them down because what they're doing isn't perfect in our eyes.

Detroit needs jobs. Metro Detroit needs jobs. Michigan needs jobs. Jobs in any of the three about are very good for the City of Detroit.

Step back and look at the big picture. The $175m isn't for 15 jobs. Its part of what corporations expect. I hate that. But I guarantee you Toledo would give Marathon a tax break if they expanded there instead of Detroit. Its all part of the game. Play or lose.
Yeah... no. If it costs Detroit $175M for 15 jobs then simple math tells you that Detroit is better off without. Now, if there is a flaw in Detroit's tax code that necessitates it give away these gigantic tax breaks then that's what the politicians should be spending their time working on. Not schmoozing with some company and playing favorites.