Quote Originally Posted by nain rouge View Post
The truth is that people are secretly hoping that bankruptcy has destroyed the black power structure in Detroit. Don't lie - that's what most people in the metro area hope, even if they won't say it out loud.
The pre-existing power structure in Detroit NEEDED to be destroyed since it was almost wholly and fully corrupt or incompetent. If that structure was a "black" one, then so be it. It changes nothing. I would also note that if the power structure in Detroit is defined as being black in nature, then that was just as much by the doing of black Detroit politicians [[using race as a shield to deflect criticism or appeal to the voters) as it was by the negative perceptions of white suburbanites.

Remember "Y'all's boy?" Remember Freman Hendrix being derogatorily referred to as "Helmut" to remind voters that he had a white mother? Remember Lonnie Bates and pretty much every single thing he said and did? The list goes on and on, it's freaking endless. Going all the way up to the latest generation, like George Cushingberry using the race card after what should have been a DUI stop.