well, i'm one of those philistines that believes art should have a connection to its audience. and while i find the notion totally contemptible, i might even find the smearing of elephant dung on a portrait of the virgin mary more "artistic" than what i've seen here - for the simple fact that even though i find such imagery which denigrates a revered religious icon insulting, it is provocative and compelling. i find neither element in the so-called art rejected by city council. if there's one thing i have a hard time tolerating in "art," it's knowing that i could have done it myself, perhaps even better. just because something is unusual, or geometric, or colorful, or all in one color, does not make it art. if i write a computer program that crashes i cannot criticize the consumer for not understanding computer programs. if an artist constructs a piece that compels not beauty or harmony or introspection, there's a good chance that they've failed. it happens in every profession. don't take it personally, artists.