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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Default The Decline of the American Civilization

    Circa 1950's... Men open car doors for women. Children respect their elders. Yes Sir, Yes Ma'am. People wait patiently while others are talking so they won't interrupt someone else's conversation. Teenagers horse around in class but snap to attention and are eager to learn when the teacher barks. Morals and values were taught and instilled into adults and children alike.

    Then came the baby boomer anti establishment generation. They wanted to break the status quo. Rise up and defy those before them. Break the rules. Their parents were too "square".
    So this generation grew up, protesting, burning American flags, defying and questioning their role models, mentors, and Government. They pioneered in communes, socialism and communism. They put women on the same playing field as men, and took them off the pedestal. They found it invigorating to abandon long standing morals and values. To be insubordinate and question authority.

    This generation is now America's retirees and politicians, and they lead following generations by example.
    They interrupt each other in places of business, barging in front of others interested in only themselves. Cursing and speaking distastefully is the norm, and they find YOU out of place if you call them out on it. They expect something for nothing and feel entitled to it [[Their parents would have been humiliated!).
    They will drive for hours on $50 of gasoline to get a free $5 breakfast. They will cut lines. They will strike the opposite sex [[after all, they're equal now, right?). They will want you to work on Christmas and Thanksgiving for their convenience. They are the last generation to have retirement and benefits at the expense of the following generations for their own financial gain [[retirement and good benefits are essentially extinct). They turned the American household from one that could be supported on one income to a household that requires mom AND dad to bring home the bacon and stuff the kids in child care.

    And they have had their own children, who saw the baby boomer anti establishment generation as too old fashioned, rebelled against them and took it to the next extreme.
    And some baby boomer's children's children have had their own kids. Even worse.

    Today anything of structure is under attack. Religious people are painted to all be like the Westboro Baptist church. Life itself is a zygote, a parasite until it comes out of the womb at full term. Women are equal from employment to physical confrontation to a man. Domestic Violence is open season.
    No one waits before they speak. They will answer their cell phones mid conversation. They will pull up for service or stand in line at the store on their phones in full conversation and make everyone else wait for them, and if you skip them because they are on the phone they scream bloody murder. Kids in the classroom openly talk about drug use, suicide, murder, rape, criminal violence and incest like it's a joke. Teenagers are desensitized to it all. Extremes are today's norm.

    Just last night my daughter told me that her Science teacher in High School stopped talking for about 30 seconds, and as soon as he did, kids got up and walked around the classroom, got out their cellphones and talked on them, joked around, threw things, laughed and made noise. The teacher tried to regain control of the classroom and was completely ignored.
    It's not just this teacher in this classroom. It's every teacher in every classroom. There is no respect for elders. There is no manners. There is no morals values or respect at all.
    If the teacher dares to teach the kids some, the kid's parents come to the school and chew the teacher out, threaten the school and demand the teacher fired for "going too far" or being "offensive".

    And these kids are going to have kids that are worse.

    So continues the death spiral of America.
    Where the extreme is the norm and each generation sinks to a level below the one that proceeded them.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Papasito View Post
    Circa 1950's... Men open car doors for women. Children respect their elders. Yes Sir, Yes Ma'am. People wait patiently while others are talking so they won't interrupt someone else's conversation. Teenagers horse around in class but snap to attention and are eager to learn when the teacher barks. Morals and values were taught and instilled into adults and children alike.

    Then came the baby boomer anti establishment generation. They wanted to break the status quo. Rise up and defy those before them. Break the rules. Their parents were too "square".
    So this generation grew up, protesting, burning American flags, defying and questioning their role models, mentors, and Government. They pioneered in communes, socialism and communism. They put women on the same playing field as men, and took them off the pedestal. They found it invigorating to abandon long standing morals and values. To be insubordinate and question authority.

    This generation is now America's retirees and politicians, and they lead following generations by example.
    They interrupt each other in places of business, barging in front of others interested in only themselves. Cursing and speaking distastefully is the norm, and they find YOU out of place if you call them out on it. They expect something for nothing and feel entitled to it [[Their parents would have been humiliated!).
    They will drive for hours on $50 of gasoline to get a free $5 breakfast. They will cut lines. They will strike the opposite sex [[after all, they're equal now, right?). They will want you to work on Christmas and Thanksgiving for their convenience. They are the last generation to have retirement and benefits at the expense of the following generations for their own financial gain [[retirement and good benefits are essentially extinct). They turned the American household from one that could be supported on one income to a household that requires mom AND dad to bring home the bacon and stuff the kids in child care.

    Sounds like you're painting a picture with a broad brush again Papasito.
    I have no idea how old you are, but I'm guessing you weren't actually around during the 50's. You sound naive at best.

    Men opening car doors for women. Yes that happened. Women being treated poorly by men. Yes that happened. There were a lot of good men that treated women well. But there was a great deal of poor treatment of women during the 50's which I believe exceeds todays standards. Women on a pedestal? I suppose that would have something to do with your position in life at the time. A great deal of women were expected to be at home with dinner on the table when their husband got home. In many households it was, "or else." Most women, I believe were happy to see the changes that took place during the 60's.

    Question authority? You bet. Those were tough times and you were generally told what to do and don't ask questions. I taught my son to question authority. Not to defy it, but yes, to question it.

    Were we more orderly in school? Yes, we were. I remember when they changed the rules so that teachers and administrators could no longer strike you with wooden paddles with holes drilled in them. They could only use flat wooden paddles with no holes which lessened the damage. I can remember teachers grabbing kids, shoving them against the wall and grabbing them by the throat. Yes, our behavior was better.
    I behaved well at home too. My grandmother used to take a lilac switch to me almost on a daily basis. One time I got jumped and pummeled by about five dudes on the way home from school. My pants got ripped during the scuffle and my grandmother took a wooden coat hanger to me when I got home because I ruined my pants. Kids were so well behaved I was shot once in the arm and stabbed or sliced with a knife 5 or 6 times by the time I was 14 years old. I lived in a reasonably decent middle class neighborhood.

    We grew up learning how to hide under our desks at school in case the commies attacked us with an atomic weapon. We understood that when we graduated from high school that we'd probably be heading to fight in a jungle half way around the world.
    We went to a barbershop for a haircut and pointed at a picture on the wall that showed about five different styles of a haircut and were asked which one we wanted.
    We pretty much had the option of leaving high school and ending up wearing a short sleeve white shirt, tie and a pocket pen protector or a blue, grey or tan work shirt with a name tag. I just loved the 50's.
    I spent 45 years paying taxes and having social security deducted from my pay check every week. I'm on social security now but I'm still working and still paying into social security. I can't imagine a time when I'll actually be able to fully retire.
    I've worked hard my entire life, raised a family, paid taxes and have at least attempted to be a good citizen. I've never asked for much and never really expected much. But to hear some piss ass like you criticize an entire generation makes me sick to my stomach.

  3. #3


    Old guy: "Kids were so well behaved I was shot once in the arm and stabbed or sliced with a knife 5 or 6 times by the time I was 14 years old. I lived in a reasonably decent middle class neighborhood."
    old guy, that's what surprised me. I lived in two lower middle class neighborhoods in Detroit about the same time as you and I only know of one guy who was shot or knifed. I got into a lot of fist fights. There was a lot of that going on but knifings and shooting were about unheard of. Watching my boys grow up, it seemed like there was less fighting in school but then I'm a parent and kids don't tell their parents everything.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    old guy, that's what surprised me. I lived in two lower middle class neighborhoods in Detroit about the same time as you and I only know of one guy who was shot or knifed. I got into a lot of fist fights. There was a lot of that going on but knifings and shooting were about unheard of. Watching my boys grow up, it seemed like there was less fighting in school but then I'm a parent and kids don't tell their parents everything.
    Not sure why Oladub, but people with knives were a big thing where I grew up. It was a big thing for someone to slash you, and then point it out to a number of people. Gave them some cred. or whatever. I don't know if it was a local thing, but rumbles were big back then. Large groups from one part of the city going after other large groups. Chains, knives, zip guns. Pretty stupid shit that didn't make much sense. I was actually a bit young to participate in those but got near them.

    I actually got shot after a guy tried to run me over with a car. It belonged to a girl I knew that was a few years older than me. I thought she was driving. I was wrong. After the guy driving winged me and knocked me down with the car he jumped out and started shooting. As I was running away, I got winged in the arm. I don't know, it was a bad area I guess. Great neighborhood when I was younger.
    Jeez, I was an alter boy and sang solos in the choir. Then I had to toughen up a bit.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    I was born in '72. The toughest kid in school wouldn't pick up a stick to hit you with it. When we fought we did it with our fists and usually ended up friends afterward, or at least had a mutual respect for one another. Guns and knives were something we understood the rules for, and knew the consequences of using them. And how to use them.

    Circa 1950's USA High School Rifle Team

    Am I generalizing in my letter? Maybe.
    But I'm not pulling my opinion out of thin air. I'm pulling it from thousands of experiences all across the country. From people I interact with every single day. With feedback and general perception by everyone I speak with. From the behavior patterns of those I interact with. From experiences of people I have spoken with. From sociologists I've spoken to, and from social studies teachers and students. From articles I've read and from current events. From college kids and public school students. From the mentality of our politicians to the way the country is being run. From the daily news and current events.

    Parenting is a huge part of it. Morals, values and respect are not being taught to the next generation. Boomer parents want to be a kid's buddy, not their mentor.
    Everything of structure is under attack from religion to respect of the opposite sex, the Constitution itself and of course the middle age working white male. Borders language and culture are under full assault.

    We are not dealing with an Eastern culture where honor or respect is a value in our society. This is modern America where honor is sacrificed for greed, respect is superficial, and society is built on the dollar and the "what's in it for me" mentality. Every one is a victim.

    Heck, even Captain America can't be pro-America in the movies for fear of offending someone.

    This kind of can't do mentality .... and exploitation of the next generation is unsustainable. This country is a ticking timebomb.

    I'm sorry if baby boomers are butt hurt,
    but they have irreparably ruined the country.

    Sure, you can blame it on "today's kids". . .
    but guess what? You raised them.
    Last edited by Papasito; February-06-14 at 08:16 AM.

  6. #6


    In other words, "pulling it out of thin air" would have been preferable to what you did, which was to compile a variety-pack of stuff-- stuff about which you personally know little-to-nothing, but which you selectively gathered from "sources"-- and slap it into a faux-profound epistle.

    In my view, it's a steaming load of horseshit, and Old Guy sussed you out exactly right.
    Bulls-eye for Old Guy.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Papasito View Post
    I was born in '72. The toughest kid in school wouldn't pick up a stick to hit you with it. When we fought we did it with our fists and usually ended up friends afterward, or at least had a mutual respect for one another. Guns and knives were something we understood the rules for, and knew the consequences of using them. And how to use them.

    Circa 1950's USA High School Rifle Team

    Am I generalizing in my letter? Maybe.
    But I'm not pulling my opinion out of thin air. I'm pulling it from thousands of experiences all across the country. From people I interact with every single day. With feedback and general perception by everyone I speak with. From the behavior patterns of those I interact with. From experiences of people I have spoken with. From sociologists I've spoken to, and from social studies teachers and students. From articles I've read and from current events. From college kids and public school students. From the mentality of our politicians to the way the country is being run. From the daily news and current events.

    Parenting is a huge part of it. Morals, values and respect are not being taught to the next generation. Boomer parents want to be a kid's buddy, not their mentor.
    Everything of structure is under attack from religion to respect of the opposite sex, the Constitution itself and of course the middle age working white male. Borders language and culture are under full assault.

    We are not dealing with an Eastern culture where honor or respect is a value in our society. This is modern America where honor is sacrificed for greed, respect is superficial, and society is built on the dollar and the "what's in it for me" mentality. Every one is a victim.

    Heck, even Captain America can't be pro-America in the movies for fear of offending someone.

    This kind of can't do mentality .... and exploitation of the next generation is unsustainable. This country is a ticking timebomb.

    I'm sorry if baby boomers are butt hurt,
    but they have irreparably ruined the country.

    Sure, you can blame it on "today's kids". . .
    but guess what? You raised them.
    Baby boomer served the US en masse when they were drafted during Vietnam. What branch did you serve in?

    It would take me literally all day to address the rest of the inaccuracies and flat-out untruths in your post, but this is a start:


    In the time you are glorifying, with your fantastical nostalgia, there were only 20 democracies in the world. Now there are close to 100.

    You're so engrossed by paranoia and 24 hour news that you're longing for a non-existent time and place which never really existed.

    What you're spewing has little basis in reality, and even less in facts. You've admitted you're just trolling with gossip and idle chatter. You have no proof, no facts, nothing to support your argument, just incoherent ramblings.

  8. #8


    poobert, What are you trying to say about the draft? Do you have a list of the "close to 100" democracies that exist in the world to support your argument?

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    poobert, What are you trying to say about the draft? Do you have a list of the "close to 100" democracies that exist in the world to support your argument?
    With Vietnam, I was addressing this absurd and insulting statement:

    "Then came the baby boomer anti establishment generation. They wanted to break the status quo. Rise up and defy those before them. Break the rules. Their parents were too "square".
    So this generation grew up, protesting, burning American flags, defying and questioning their role models, mentors, and Government."

    Tell that to the 58,000 Americans who died in Vietnam serving their country. The vast majority of them were, of course, baby boomers. Of course then they were just called "kids." I hate when fucking punks talk trash. Since Papisto is such a flag waver, I'm curious as to what branch he served in.

    I already posted an article. I'm not going to do your homework for you. Google is your friend. 90 is close to 100. Took me 25 seconds.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Not all baby boomers were "anti-establishment". Did you forget George W. Bush? Karl Rove? Bill O'Reilly? Rush Limbaugh? etc. etc.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by poobert View Post
    With Vietnam, I was addressing this absurd and insulting statement:

    "Then came the baby boomer anti establishment generation. They wanted to break the status quo. Rise up and defy those before them. Break the rules. Their parents were too "square".
    So this generation grew up, protesting, burning American flags, defying and questioning their role models, mentors, and Government."

    Tell that to the 58,000 Americans who died in Vietnam serving their country. The vast majority of them were, of course, baby boomers. Of course then they were just called "kids." I hate when fucking punks talk trash. Since Papisto is such a flag waver, I'm curious as to what branch he served in.

    I already posted an article. I'm not going to do your homework for you. Google is your friend. 90 is close to 100. Took me 25 seconds.
    Thank you for the Heritage Foundation link. I recommend poobert's link. Click the "United States". I wonder if that was before Snowden's revelations became public. Still the link is probably a fair enough listing. From the article on the US, "The U.S. is the only country to have recorded a loss of economic freedom each of the past seven years."

    For the record, like most Americans, I didn't serve in any branch. I don't have any objection to the part of Papasito's letter you cited. What I noticed back then though was that who went in had much to do with one's social class. I saw mostly blacks and white working class kids go in. When the bus from Ann Arbor came in to the Fort Wayne induction center on a day I was there, it seemed like everyone getting off that bus had a file in hand. I can't prove it but I assume they had availed themselves of doctors and legal loopholes. The draft was far from being fair. Meanwhile, in about a six block stretch of my lower middle class street in Detroit, at least four guys died in Vietnam. Lower middle class whites could generally pass the army IQ tests but didn't have the awareness and money to find legal outs. Not necessarily related but in the 20th Century, Democrats twice instituted the draft and the Vietnam war and Republicans ended them.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Pam View Post
    Not all baby boomers were "anti-establishment". Did you forget George W. Bush? Karl Rove? Bill O'Reilly? Rush Limbaugh? etc. etc.
    They were in the 60s.

    But then they grew up and supposedly "saw the light" with Reagan.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by 313WX View Post
    They were in the 60s.

    But then they grew up and supposedly "saw the light" with Reagan.
    No, none of those guys were hippies or had anything to do with the counter culture. Karl Rove was in a Republican group in college.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    You may think you fed me my lunch, or that I am talking crazy, but apparently I am not the only one who feels this way. There are many articles on it. And you can't exempt an entire generation of people from the results they have created.

    Baby boomers were part of a generational bulge born immediately after the end of World War II. The leading edge of that bulge began coming of age during the late 1960s, which means boomer power began to rise toward its peak around the time Ronald Reagan became president. The growth of boomer economic and political power that began during the 1980s also happens to coincide with the beginning of a long-running trend toward greater income inequality:


    The men and women who returned victorious from World War 2 and seized the moment to propel the United States into the position of global superpower did so thanks to the GI Bill, which paid for them to go to college. Almost overnight, the American middle class was born, not quite robber-baron wealthy but not factory-poor either.
    Bolstered by their newfound socio-economic bravura, and united by their common hatred of the Godless commies, the Great Generation knew no limits. They put people on the #@! moon just to outdo the Russians, and they invented computers: they’re
    #@! no matter how you look at it.

    So what the
    #@! happened? Time happened, and even they were no match for it. Eventually, the Great Generation faded into Alzheimer’s and their offspring, the so-called Baby Boomers, took charge. That’s where #@! started going downhill, and here we are, decades later, standing with our mouths open under the great #@!-waterfall known as Baby Boomer American politics.

    Come on now... the baby boomers couldnt have been given EVERYTHING, I mean that is way too much right?

    It really defies comprehension how much the baby boomers actually consumed.

    First off, they inherited a world where US had around 50% of the global GDP. We are half that today.

    Not only did they steal from past achievements, but once that ran out they stole from future achievements, in the form of uncontrollable debt.

    They consumed at least three generations worth of wealth in one generation. A result of this is that they became complacent and self righteous.

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _____________________________________
    How could a group of people, that have accumulated more collective wealth than any other single group of people, in the recorded history of human civilization mess things up so bad?

    That's a tough one to answer but somehow they have managed to bring our entire country to the brink of collapse at a record breaking speed.

    Their ignorance about almost anything that doesn't involve themselves is only outdone by their self righteous attitudes about their many failures.

    Admitting you have a problem is the best way to deal with a problem. Get out of denial.

    When adjusted for inflation, the median net worth of households led by people aged 45 to 54 was 10% lower in 2009 than it was in 1984, according to the Pew Research Center. Those led by individuals aged 55 to 64 -- currently the leading edge of the boomer generation -- was 10% higher in 2009. On the other hand, households led by people between ages of 35 and 44, which today is the primary age range of Generation X, had 44% less median net worth in 2009 than the first-wave boomers did in 1984. Those younger than 35 had two-thirds less net worth in 2009 than the same age group did in 1984, which means that boomers generally had almost three times as much real wealth [[and potentially much more than that, in the case of older boomers) during Reagan's first term in office as their children did at the start of President Obama's first term.

    Taking more and leaving less

    Those graphs help explain why many people feel resentful toward the boomers, but they don't really offer a compelling reason why the boomers should be so widely reviled. It's not as if there's a wave of workers turning around and knocking down the pay rate of its successors. However, boomers hold plenty of influence in the area of public policy. If you want to understand the national debt, a good place to start would be the 1980s, when boomers started to come into their own
    More at http://www.dailyfinance.com/2013/06/...ericas-future/

    You may think you're cool with wise crack replies to my opinions, that you fed me my lunch. But you've been feeding my generation your lunch since you raped America, exploited it, sucked up 50% of the world's GDP, made future Generations guarantee you entitlements that would collapse us, and pillage every single person on the planet for your greed.

    Thanks a lot.
    Last edited by Papasito; February-12-14 at 10:50 AM.

  15. #15


    The men and women who returned victorious from World War 2 and seized the moment to propel the United States into the position of global superpower did so thanks to the GI Bill, which paid for them to go to college. Almost overnight, the American middle class was born, not quite robber-baron wealthy but not factory-poor either.

    That is half-correct. While the GI Bill put more people in college, unions were garnering higher wages for their employees, elevating the “factory poor” to middle class wage levels. Actually, that started prior to WWII and prior to the Great Depression.

  16. #16


    You're just making yourself appear more foolish. So the generation that's two steps before yours was a saintly, well-mannered lot who had everything right, but the generation that's one step before yours is a pack of wild dogs who completely ruined everything for now and into infinity, and you & your generation-- who are, I take it, above reproach and represent the finest social ideals of which one could dream-- are totally fucked, forever damned, and will live penniless and out in the street because the Boomers suck.

    Do I have that right?

  17. #17


    NickCharles, I was assuming that Papasito is a baby boomer but am not sure. I'm a baby boomer who doesn't have any particular respect for my generation and see both the great generation, at least post WWII, and the baby boom generation as being self indulgent although I give the great generation the benefit of the doubt and some slack because of all they went through. It does seem though that for all we were handed, the baby boom generation let things slip a bit first by often taking ten years out to discover ourselves with hallucinogens and culminating with both a decaying infrastructure and a $17.3T debt to unload on our own kids. The day glow "under new management" sign didn't seem to offset how the baby boom generation is managing this Country.

  18. #18


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    Yes. Those truly were the golden years of America. A kinder, gentler time indeed.

    Pure nonsense. You're pining for a time that never existed. Life in the past was nearly always more brutal, nasty, and short than it is now.
    Last edited by poobert; February-12-14 at 04:29 PM.

  19. #19


    Papasito, I'm a bit confused as to why you have such a great deal of hatred towards an entire generation. Yes there are bad people associated with the baby boomer generation. I can't understand why you feel that the entire generation is the ruination of the U.S.

    A large number of us felt that we were trying to make the world a better place. And for future generations. Many of us were naive but that is often associated with being young and having visions of grandeur.

    I for one fought for the clean air and clean water act. If you have any conception of how bad things were back then, you might have a different perception of what was happening back then. We were concerned with the ideas of mass transit, healthier food and sustainable lifestyles. We made feeble attempts to develop alternative energy.

    To this day I'm concerned about not only my sons well being in the future but also the future of other generations beyond his.

    As I see it the term baby boom, refers to an explosion in birth rates. I apologize, but I don't feel that I was responsible for that. Yes there are logistical problems associated with such a great influx of a population increase of that magnitude, but how are we the masters of disaster because of it.
    I can't think of a generation that didn't have people that wanted to improve society and others that were consumed with greed.

    I do feel bad for people in their 50's that have little recourse to restart their lives after being out of work for so long and have reasonably no way of finding their way back into the workforce. I also feel for young people that have very little chance to enter the workforce with any dignity or a chance to prosper despite their work ethic.

    Most baby boomers I know have lived moderate lives, and are living their elderly years in a less than stellar fashion. I'm just not sure what your hatred for our generation is based on.

    If this is based on people collecting social security or moderate pensions, that's what we were offered and it wasn't something that we were overly enthused about. It was the norm at the time it was being offered.
    I think it would be interesting to know the statistics of how much most of us paid over a lifetime in property taxes, sales taxes, income taxes and social security to help prop up the country during our lives. I just can't apologize to you for what I've had to donate during my lifetime. Life is tough.
    I'm still paying in.

  20. #20


    I'm at the end of the baby-boomers by birth, and I'd never point to the 50's - thru 70's etc. as years of pure joy without issue, racially or socially. Nope. However I agree, we're in steep and significant decline now, withstanding social media and other increased exposure [[nothings changed, just 'more' is reported justification).

    For example: the direction and celebration of hollywoods proffered values, trend setting and trivia therein, along with entertainments content embodies the change in social culture and thinking.

    Much of it not good. And eh-uh, let me add the appropriated post-amble: I'm not a prude......
    Last edited by Zacha341; February-13-14 at 11:57 AM.

  21. #21


    It's really sad that when someone posts something instead of just providing another point of few or providing some facts one also has to flat out attack and name call another human being.

    I agree with the basics of the orginal posts. But yes, judgement, attack, self interest, pride, arrogance, murder, AND murderous thoughts, victims/victimizers, and big fat egos have been and will always be a part of society. Yes, the news and media can sway you to think that EVERYTHING is bad but at the same time there are glimpses of love here and there, and we hang on to those. It's called hope.

    I was born in 1968. I would not want to be in my teens and early 20's today. I think it's a very scared generation without alot of answers. Hell the only way I can deal with it is because I'm old and don't care so much about impressing people, about creating a false bravado anymore. I think fear and violence is projected everywhere and that is not mentally healthy for anyone. I think there is alot of sickness in society yet at the same time the sickness has to be exposed if it's ever going to be cured.

    This is what the world is: a place of "sickness and death and misery." As he says in the workbook, it is a desert, "where starved and thirsty creatures come to die." [[W-pII.13.5:1)
    -A Course In Miracles

  22. #22


    This week I'm watching "Jeopardy!" and the annual college tournament. As I watch those young folks, all I can say is America's future is bright as ever.

    Just sayin'.

  23. #23


    The near future... next 10-30 years... May have to disagree on that one.

    Not that there are not bright, young, Americans that can have wonderful, successfu futures because there are. Actually some people have good, sane parents who raise and teach their children well.

    Just sayin...

    Quote Originally Posted by Ray1936 View Post
    This week I'm watching "Jeopardy!" and the annual college tournament. As I watch those young folks, all I can say is America's future is bright as ever.

    Just sayin'.

  24. #24


    Futuristics Magazines Top 10 Forecasts for 2014 and Beyond


  25. #25

    Default Things I find problematic as a bona fide baby boomer

    They interrupt each other in places of business, barging in front of others interested in only themselves. Cursing and speaking distastefully is the norm, and they find YOU out of place if you call them out on it.

    Now, when I was growing up in the sixties and a young adult in the early 70s, the worst of the bargers and and grabbers were the ubiquitous "old ladies with shopping bags." They always seemed to feel they should be first in line. Now, that wasn't every old lady, just the ones that were pushy. Maybe they had a reason for it but they never said anything, just barged. DH and I, certified baby boomers, are not pushers, bargers or interrupters. I know lots and lots of people our age who are just like us, polite and considerate. Our parents raised us this way and we hope we raised our offspring this way, too. You cannot paint everyone with the same brush.

    They expect something for nothing and feel entitled to it [[Their parents would have been humiliated!).

    Nope, that is not our generation at all. We are the ones who paid all the taxes that supported the nation through the 70s-80s90s and early 2000s. We paid into Social Security and Medicare every paycheck, and we do deserve to reap the benefit of that hard work. If you think that was nothing, I got news for you. You are wrong.

    They will drive for hours on $50 of gasoline to get a free $5 breakfast.

    That would be just plain silly. Not many of us are that dumb, and if we want a $5 breakfast, we can find it a lot closer or make it at home. Or is that a FREE breakfast? Still counts, most of us wouldn't bother.

    They will cut lines. I have never seen this happen, unless it was someone [[usually younger) being joined by a friend, and I am sure willing to cut them some slack.

    They will strike the opposite sex [[after all, they're equal now, right?).

    Wrong again. Equality has nothing to do with abuse. Most of the abusers fall into all age groups, not just baby boomers. Not all of us are abusers. That is a very blanket statement that you could apply to any age group and hit about the same small percentage of the group.

    They will want you to work on Christmas and Thanksgiving for their convenience.

    Not us, it’s the younger ones who want to shop their brains out. We probably have much of what we need already.

    They are the last generation to have retirement and benefits at the expense of the following generations for their own financial gain [[retirement and good benefits are essentially extinct).

    This certainly is not the preference of most boomers. I think you need to blame the corporate controllers for this one. Many may be boomers, but I think it is a small small percentage that has more to do with feeding the corporate system than the age of anyone. This system has grown more and more powerful as most of us struggled to fight it against long odds. Money will always win, it seems.

    They turned the American household from one that could be supported on one income to a household that requires mom AND dad to bring home the bacon and stuff the kids in child care.

    I don’t think you can pin that solely on us. The stagnation of income and the rising of the cost of everything began before we came of age. It continues to this date, so how are you fighting it, post boomers?

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