Quote Originally Posted by SpartanDawg View Post
my dude... this isn't true... it mayyybe covered some of the taxes on the building and a couple months of maintenance/ bills... but there is NO way that the landlord was making anyyyy money off of this and 'making his car payments' ... i've worked in commercial real estate and there's so many costs to landlords that people don't realize.. unless your building is in good shape [[i.e. not having to do costly maintenance every few months) and you're leased out at around 75% at MARKET RATE [[which he was definitely not paying).. you're losing money.

the old landlord definitely hasn't seen a nickel from this building in a long while
Even in that bombed-out section of the Cass-Corridor? I think the landlord was damn lucky that building wasn't reduced to ashes. Now maybe if it had been in Royal Oak, THAT would have been a different story.