Quote Originally Posted by warsaw7 View Post
I am such a huge proponent of bike lanes, especially being a biker coming from Grosse Pointe into the city. While I agree that there needs to be more bike lanes and better education for both bikers and drivers alike, there is one issue that really grinds my gears, pun intended. Why is there a bike lane on Kercheval after St. Jean? That is one of the most dangerous streets, on so many different levels. First off cars zip up and down that street at 50 + mph [[present company excluded); they fail to stop at the few working traffic lights; and it is quite frankly not the safest neighborhood, not to mention hardly any of the street lights work. In the rare case I do see a biker and they are given some respect of the bike lane, cars bounce right back into the bike lane. I guess my issue is, why in the world was this street designated as a bike lane, when A. it is not typically a route most bikers take and B. it is a dangerous road!!!??? Why not Jefferson? I get the traffic issue, but most people biking to and from the Pointes are typically taking Jefferson. And when we do take Jefferson we take the risk of being honked at and yelled at. Not like on Kercheval, where you take the risk of getting out of their alive or with a bike!

Does anyone have any insight as to what MDOT was thinking?
I agree with everything you say. Bike Lanes would only be useful in either recreational environments, or environments that are densely populated, well-patrolled by law enforcement and well-lit.

7 mile [[west of Schoenherr) also had a bike lane for a quick second. But for the exact reasons you listed, it was re-painted into a parking lane not even a few weeks later