Quote Originally Posted by kraig View Post
I know that everyone has concerns, and justifiably so, with Warren Evans becoming the new Chief of Police. I can understand that.

But, what's so impressive about Chief Barren? I know that he was only there for eight months. But, what did he accomplish?

From what I can tell, he provided and backed the same false numbers that Cummings did even though he knew better.
First an d foremost he gave the officers hope and raised their moral so they could do a better job. Secondly he started to move the sops into the neighborhoods. For the first time in years I have seen patrol cars riding in my neighborhood and cops walking around making their presence known. To me that is improvement enough. Thirdly he didn't have the police in the mayor's pocket All three of these I am sure will stop once warren steps his cragily ass in to office. Wow Bing nice way to play politics.