Quote Originally Posted by DetroiterOnTheWestCoast View Post
Its a total fallacy that conservatives are against redistributionist policies. Its just that they want a redistribution UP. Such as the several rich GOP congress critters who railed against food stamps while they fully avail themselves of crop subsidies for their farms. They are personal socialists lining their pockets at our expense.
The overwhelming amount of time that the legislature has had the revenue sharing funds turned off a democrat was governor. The suburbs have been hurt by this as well. The State calls this revenue sharing for a reason: the State has constitutionally restricted locals from having a sales tax and there is a requirement to share the receipts from the state sales tax. This has not happened, or has happened in a way that has starved local units in favor of funding state government programs. You can't say that this is a party topic, it is more of a 'me first' attitude.