I don't see how it's gullible to volunteer to clean it. It's not like an organization like Habitat that's donating materials and bringing the property up to code through their efforts. Obviously, spending the hundreds of millions bringing it up to code should be his problem if the Detroit market ever turns around. But, they're just cleaning up the trash. I guess you prefer living in areas with garbage surrounding you? That's just sad, bud.

From what I heard, millionaire James Scott who donated the money to build the Scott fountain on Belle Isle in 1910 was hated by a lot of Detroiters, yet they built the fountain and a statue of him in honour of him with the money he donated for it and still the public cleans and maintains it to this date. What's the difference? The building and the fountain are works of art meant for all to see and appreciate. I guess you should be starting your protest against the public maintaining the Scott Fountain too.

Any cleaning effort helps the cause of Detroit, even it's it just picking up a piece of garbage on your neighbour's sidewalk.

Quote Originally Posted by detmich View Post
I read the thread, the posts to the volunteers basically asked what Chub asked. Why does it have to be volunteers helping a rich guy. Why not helping some poor folks? Clean up their houses and do some repairs?

On another note, what exactly is so architecturally amazing or significant about MCS? It gets a lot of attention because it is EMPTY, not because it is the North American Acropolis. Stop being so gullible and thinking this helps the cause of Detroit. All it has done is given Matty Moroun more arrows in his quiver.