This is probably not the right time to be thinking of getting rid of the People Mover. Though I agree it has not heretofore lived up to expectations, I think a few things will happen over the next couple of years that will make it more important:

1. M1 Rail, which will serve destinations directly along the Woodward corridor but not to the east or west, and which has a planned direct connection with DPM at Grand Circus Park.

2. The RTA bus rapid transit projects, for which the routes serving downtown will, again, not serve all destinations.

3. Most importantly, the RTA is likely to implement a contactless fare collection system which will allow for direct transfers between the bus systems and DPM, which are not possible today.

Keep your eyes open and see what happens. The DPM has potential, but it has needed some minor tweaks which haven't happened but are now fairly likely.