Quote Originally Posted by GP For Life View Post
Originally Posted by Hamtragedy"I love the house, but these bathrooms all have to be redone", said one prospective buyer at an older mansion, referring to the Pewabic Tile bathrooms.

After having dealt with several youngsters and young adults from GP, I once yelled at a couple of them "all that money, and you guys got no class."

As for ArtVan, the scale for most of that furniture is so much larger than most modest homes around here, that I guess it would fit nicely into a 4000' sq. McMansion.
You must be dealing with people from the Woods or something. I've never seen a Grosse Pointer who couldn't spot a Pewabic tile from a mile away.
I'm going to with a +1 on that. I would also add that any contractor worth his salt in the GPs would stop them or at least recommend a work around to update it without destroying the tile.