Two buck Bobby, is just one of those city vignettes. Suburbanites will read this thread, shake their heads and say I am glad I escaped all that. Mostly I just see 2 maybe 3 generations of throw away people. To me it is just unbearably sad.

I do a walk about with a neighbor and he begged and begged for one dollar this time. Just to dump him, I did give him one buck. He bangs on our door at 9:30 tonight demanding more money. I was wildly annoyed, he went away eventually. He has done this to many others as late as midnight. I have even had my dogs chase him away. Actually, it makes me sound cruel but boy can he run when confronted with 3 pissed off dogs.

I wish there was real help for this lost group.He cries and apologizes. He most likely gets his hands on crack which is when he is belligerent. Not much we can do, other then to take turns with neighbors feeding him. It's so damn depressing.