Quote Originally Posted by crawford View Post
Uh, or maybe we recognize that cars pollute, take up space, are dangerous to others, and put added stress on the park?

Um, no. "Cars" are a mode of transportation, no more, no less. Cars do not use the park, people do. Cars do not toss their trash on the ground, people do. If you wish to charge a fee for the use of the park, then charge ALL who use it.

On what planet are cars, human beings and bikes treated exactly the same? If I visit downtown Detroit by bus, bike or foot, you think I should still pay a parking garage fee, just so everyone is treated "equally"?

Exactly correct. It is high time that bicyclists started carrying their own weight. They claim all the advantages of road usage and none of the disadvantages. If your bike takes up space in a parking garage, you should most certainly pay a fee for that space. I ride motorcycles, but I still pay road use taxes, registration fees, and parking fees. Why shouldn't bicyclists?

So you want to incentivize people to NOT use nonpolluting, healthy, space-saving means of transportation? What's next, a tax credit if you drive a Monster Truck to the corner store?
Nope, I want the park to remain an attractive destination for ALL people, regardless of how those people arrive. Your plan punishes those for whom a bicycle is not a practical form of transport.
FWIW, it's not the government's duty to "incentivize" people to do anything.
In closing, thank you for answering my question..you do have a mad-on against automobiles, and your proposed fee structure is clearly motivated by it.