Quote Originally Posted by bailey View Post
...and also proved that an austerity regime is not a magic bullet. I mean, glowing praise from Bob Berg aside [[isnt that a little like asking Ari Fleischer his opinions of the Bush administration?) that "fiscal responsibility" came with a giant tax increase and a slashing of services. Which just lead to further exodus and further decline in property values, and further decline in services. It also gave us Poletown type corporate giveaways. THEN when none of that worked, the beginning of massive borrowing.

Does CAY deserve ALL the blame? no. However, he was mayor FOR TWENTY FUCKING YEARS. I don't think it's in anyway unfair to lay quite a bit of it at his feet.

But don't forget that a lot of those tax increases were driven by the policies such a binding arbitration that he help put into place. In the end, he was killed by his own gun -- pardon bad metaphor.