Quote Originally Posted by davewindsor View Post
Just amazing. Across the river in Ontario, we have so many Windmills and solar farms in Windsor's counties that the Ontario Government is paying operators not to run Windmills because we have no way to use all the power. We cancelled the construction of two new gas fired plants at a cost of $588m to taxpayers. We have $7B in bad 20 year solar contracts signed with Samsung. We have to pay nuclear plants not to add more power to the grid.

Ontario sold $648m worth of surplus electricity to the US at a net loss of over half a billion. We have to discount the cost of surplus electricity so much because Michigan doesn't even want it. I can't understand why Detroit has rolling blackouts when Ontario produces so much power that they have to pay operators not produce electricity at a rate very close to what we would pay them to produce electricity.

We have plenty of cheap electricity for sale if you want it.

The problem wasn't lack of power, it was failure in the transmission lines from DTE to DPL. I think the better question is "why does DPL still exist?" Most of the cities in the country get power to their public buildings directly from the power companies and do not try to run their own separate utility.