Quote Originally Posted by Gannon View Post
I was parked across from Russell Street Deli/Zeff's this morning, and caught news of the escaped prisoner from Frank Murphy Hell of Justice on WDET. I'd just driven from downtown on I-375 to the Gratiot exit, which I never do...but had the 'urge' this morning to not stop at stoplights before breakfast, and that was the only legal way to do it.
He fled out of the court area across 75 to the area of Lafayette Park, where he was seen, then easterly down Lafayette/Larned. This area was - for all practical purposes - under siege, with all the police excitement you'd ever want to see, and some you didn't want to see, for sure. Some of the L.P. residents were frightened out of their wits, not knowing what was going on. This was south of where you were.