Thanks for the correction Jimaz. Can always count on you. I have corrected it.

Ndavies I hear you re the government and the black boxes.

However I do not share your confidence about automotive cyber-security. There are dozens of chips that are aging with software that is not updated let alone shielded. Hacks against far more secure systems are accomplished all the time. And that's before some disgruntled Snowden-style leaker give away the keys to the databases.

It can't happen... until it does.

The CIA, MI5 or 6, whatever number they are now at, should be capable of such mischief. I would be disappointed in them if they weren't. [Strange how Princess Diana's Mercedes suddenly accelerated to over 100 MPH.]

When it comes to the growing security apparatus I frequently hear the line, "Hey I have nothing to hide". I like to reply, "Well then I'm sure you won't mind having a your car configured such that whenever you exceed the speed limit you are automatically issued a speeding ticket." After all we want law and order and can use the revenue.