Quote Originally Posted by coracle View Post
Obviously the whole question of Public Sector Pensions using other people's Tax money needs to be completely overhauled and probably completely squashed. If somebody wants to earn a Pension funded by their employer they should get a real job not take it out of the pockets of their neighbors.
This is nonsense. There isn't any reason policemen or firefighters or soldiers [[or janitors or mailcarriers or administrators either) shouldn't get a pension simply because their jobs are in the public sector. The problem isn't whether the jobs are public or private, the problem is that the pension rules are too generous to certain classes of retiree.

Now, you might claim that because the legislators and their cronies benefit from pension loopholes, they don't get closed and abuse is inevitable. I could agree with that, and that would be a good reason for them not to have pensions, or at least not pensions that they control the rules of. But the reason isn't that they are somehow less-deserving, but rather that it isn't clear how to make the system work properly if the fox is guarding the henhouse.

Note that the "golden parachutes" in the private sector work the same way, and for the same reasons--the people making the rules have each others' interests in mind more than the shareholders or other stakeholders.