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  1. #1
    Lorax Guest

    Default Mark Sanford and His Plastic Jesus

    South Carolina governor Mark Sanford stood behind his plastic Jesus, claiming he was like King David, appointed by God.

    The governor, who talked about "moral absolutes" and God's law during his revealing, yet rambling news conference Wednesday, said King David "fell mightily, fell in very, very significant ways, but then picked up the pieces and built from there."

    His out of office trysts and his constant confessional on TV over the last few days only seems to worsen his plight.

    Sanford has said he would pay back an undisclosed amount for the nine-day trip to Brazil and Argentina for which taxpayers paid $12,000 last year. That includes $8,687 for Sanford's plane ticket, and $453 in lodging.

    A spokeswoman for the Commerce Department said Friday that initially plans were made to only visit Brazil, but Sanford asked for extra meetings in Argentina. Gee, I wonder why.

    Sanford, who also admitted meeting his lover more times than he had previously claimed, told The Associated Press in emotional interviews that he “crossed lines” with a handful of other women during 20 years of marriage, I wonder what he means by that?

    But he said he never went as far as he did with Maria Belen Chapur, the woman at the center of the scandal that has derailed his once-promising political future.

    Even with the latest revelations, Sanford maintains he is fit to govern and has no plans to resign.

    And he insisted his relationship with Chapur, whom he met at an open-air dance spot in Uruguay eight years ago, was more than just sex.

    Maybe so, but the rest of us don't need to hear the gory details, thanks.

    South Carolina voters need to decide whether or not to throw this self-righteous sack under the bus.

    Another hypocritical, right wing fascist nut, exposed like the business end of a sausage grinder. Pretty.

  2. #2


    Hopefully, he will be moving to Texas to live with George Bush and Kwame Kilpatrick and he can bring Monica Conyers with him. Seal up all the false prophets on one block. Maybe Hollywood would even make a movie on it. "Escape from Dallas". Which religious head did you say supported him in this false association with religion?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by mjs View Post
    Hopefully, he will be moving to Texas to live with George Bush and Kwame Kilpatrick and he can bring Monica Conyers with him. Seal up all the false prophets on one block. Maybe Hollywood would even make a movie on it. "Escape from Dallas". Which religious head did you say supported him in this false association with religion?
    We're taking in enough refuse as it is. No more!!!!

  4. #4


    If he is not Catholic, then he is betraying his religious beliefs, as, according to most Protestants, to have a statue of Jesus is to worship idols.

    Therefore, he is a hypocrite, guilty of crimes against man and his faith.

  5. #5


    Quiz time for all you DYer's

    Using your knowledge of the news and its reviews, its time for you to decide.

    Who wrote the following?

    1) "The erotic beauty of you holding yourself [[or two magnificent parts of yourself) in the faded glow of night's light — but hey, that would be going into the sexual details."

    2) "Is sex dirty and disgusting to you, or is it just prostitution?"

    3) "The way I read my post, was how much I love to do it outdoors, and how prudish American are- I didn't include myself in that."

    4) "I never gave you sexual details but you don't need to. . .close your eyes and just remember. I'll do the same.”

    5) "Hope you know I am thinking of you” "You have my heart."

    6) “Although I don't know if we'll ever be able to meet again, this has been the best [thing] that has happened to me in a long time,"

    7) "Actually, this may loosen the prudishness of Americans into accepting sexuality as celebration rather than something dirty to be done in the dark behind closed doors."

    ANSWERS - Scroll down

    1,5 Gov. Sanford

    4, 6 Maria Belen Shapur [[Gov. Sanford's lover)

    2, 3, 7 Lorax quotes from posts #20, #19, and #4 as found in the "Going down in the downturn " DY thread

  6. #6


    Usually, the thing you rail and shout at the most, is the thing you are guilty of the most...

  7. #7


    Cute oladub [[post # 5). Not enough information to decide anything noteworthy however.
    Last edited by vetalalumni; July-01-09 at 03:24 AM.

  8. #8
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post
    Quiz time for all you DYer's

    Using your knowledge of the news and its reviews, its time for you to decide.

    Who wrote the following?

    1) "The erotic beauty of you holding yourself [[or two magnificent parts of yourself) in the faded glow of night's light — but hey, that would be going into the sexual details."

    2) "Is sex dirty and disgusting to you, or is it just prostitution?"

    3) "The way I read my post, was how much I love to do it outdoors, and how prudish American are- I didn't include myself in that."

    4) "I never gave you sexual details but you don't need to. . .close your eyes and just remember. I'll do the same.”

    5) "Hope you know I am thinking of you” "You have my heart."

    6) “Although I don't know if we'll ever be able to meet again, this has been the best [thing] that has happened to me in a long time,"

    7) "Actually, this may loosen the prudishness of Americans into accepting sexuality as celebration rather than something dirty to be done in the dark behind closed doors."

    ANSWERS - Scroll down

    1,5 Gov. Sanford

    4, 6 Maria Belen Shapur [[Gov. Sanford's lover)

    2, 3, 7 Lorax quotes from posts #20, #19, and #4 as found in the "Going down in the downturn " DY thread
    If this was meant as an indictment of me, and the topic of this thread, unfortunately for you, it falls flat on it's face.

    I have no problem with open sexuality of any kind, the key word here is OPEN.

    Mark Sanford, as is typical of religious nutsacks in this country, and especially of politicians, who present this vision of wedded bliss and religious sanctimony, when discovered to be a lying cheat, must think there is something wrong with what they are doing, because it wasn't open in the first place.

    If this were France, where upon the death of Francois Mitterand, his funeral procession included his wife, children, and mistress, walking together, shows just how far American politicians have to go to avoid their own hypocricy.

    Politicians who have any aspirations at all should be open about their sexuality in all it's forms, but sadly, they fear anything short of "perfection" as their religious dogma dictates will render them unelectable.

    I think the electorate would prefer honesty in a politician's personal life, as it just may translate to honesty in their public one.

    Sandford is just another in a long line of politically-religious lost souls who just happened to get caught in a big lie, and in his case, feel the need for redemption without penalty. Sorry, but it doesn't work that way. He needs to resign.

    I'm sorry, Oladub, if you see some contradiction in my statements, you happen to be wrong.
    Last edited by Lorax; July-01-09 at 07:55 AM.

  9. #9


    Quote: "Mark Sanford, as is typical of religious nutsacks in this country,"

    No he isn't. You are so full of it. it's laughable. I actually think you're just screwing around saying stupid shit to start fights with people. You have like seven of them going on here now. You read like some drunk in the bar rambling on one inaccuracy and insult after another.

    Also, you need to read the rules, if you can, and comprehend, there is no name calling here. You do it in every post of yours. Looks very childish.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Quote: "Mark Sanford, as is typical of religious nutsacks in this country,"

    No he isn't. You are so full of it. it's laughable. I actually think you're just screwing around saying stupid shit to start fights with people. You have like seven of them going on here now. You read like some drunk in the bar rambling on one inaccuracy and insult after another.

    Also, you need to read the rules, if you can, and comprehend, there is no name calling here. You do it in every post of yours. Looks very childish.
    He didn't say that Sanford was typical of religious PEOPLE. There's a difference.

    I wouldn't use the term "nutsack", but it does appear that good ole Mark Sanford is indeed a hypocrite. Surprise, surprise. Most people tend not to appreciate when one preaches and proseletyzes their values, only to turn around and casually toss those same values to the wind.

    As far as I'm concerned, the longer Sanford remains in office, the more of an embarrassment he becomes for the South Carolina Republican Party.

  11. #11
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    Quote: "Mark Sanford, as is typical of religious nutsacks in this country,"

    No he isn't. You are so full of it. it's laughable. I actually think you're just screwing around saying stupid shit to start fights with people. You have like seven of them going on here now. You read like some drunk in the bar rambling on one inaccuracy and insult after another.

    Also, you need to read the rules, if you can, and comprehend, there is no name calling here. You do it in every post of yours. Looks very childish.
    Yes he is. He's a Christian fundamentalist, which is incompatible with living in the real world, and especially with holding high office.

    I think we suffered enough in this country with a president who thought he was anointed by God, and believed the fossil record was placed on earth by the devil to confuse us into thinking the planet is as old as it is.

    As far as name calling, you are right- but only if that name is directed at another poster. I was referring to Sanford.

  12. #12


    People exploit "faith" for their own personal gain, playing to the base. They know that 80% of this country believes in a higher power, and this group is made up of about 90% women. It's no mistake to be popular and do well at the polls, one must be for sexual equality in the workplace and believe in God. Can you think of any politician that is against either? These folk typically do not display good examples of either ideology, instead, how to run for public office. And when one shows their true colors, someone like yourself is ready to send everyone that was lied to and elected him or her, to the gas chambers.

    I'd bet every nickel I could scrape together today, Lorax, if you had to run for a public office, you'd "believe in God" too. No doubt in my mind. Now you can better understand people like Sanford, i.e. he's one of yours.
    Last edited by Sstashmoo; July-01-09 at 11:11 AM.

  13. #13


    Are Monica and Kwame also Christian fundamentalists?

    In your viewpoint, you hate religion so you hate Sanford. In my viewpoint, I hate when politicians abuse religion for their own gain so I disapprove of Sanford. These shameless politicians would be alot better advised to keep their traps shut about religion when they've been caught with their hands in the cookie jar. A true believer wouldn't think for a second that my opinion has an inkling of importance in whether god forgives him. You should be happy, he's spitting in the face of religious people more than in your direction.
    Last edited by mjs; July-01-09 at 09:50 AM.

  14. #14


    Quote: 'These shameless politicians would be alot better advised to keep their traps shut about religion when they've been caught with their hands in the cookie jar."


  15. #15


    The lying, cheating types are all scumbags. Whether they've got an R or a D it doesn't matter, I comdemn them all. Sanford and Ensign, Clinton and Edwards. Edwards deserves a special award for asshattery since his wife was diagnosed with terminal cancer.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Det_ard View Post
    Edwards deserves a special award for asshattery since his wife was diagnosed with terminal cancer.
    just trying to follow Newt's lead

  17. #17


    [[[[[[[[[s all

    A person who will lie to the person closest to them will surely not hesitate to lie to mere fellow citizens.

  18. #18


    Perhaps one good thing to come out this will be that Jenny Sanford, hopefully, set a new standard of performance for spouses of cheaters. She refused to appear with Sanford and essentially booted him out.

  19. #19
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Sstashmoo View Post
    People exploit "faith" for their own personal gain, playing to the base. They know that 80% of this country believes in a higher power, and this group is made up of about 90% women. It's no mistake to be popular and do well at the polls, one must be for sexual equality in the workplace and believe in God. Can you think of any politician that is against either? These folk typically do not display good examples of either ideology, instead, how to run for public office. And when one shows their true colors, someone like yourself is ready to send everyone that was lied to and elected him or her, to the gas chambers.

    I'd bet every nickel I could scrape together today, Lorax, if you had to run for a public office, you'd "believe in God" too. No doubt in my mind. Now you can better understand people like Sanford, i.e. he's one of yours.

    You really do keep the hits coming!

    Sanford and me, alike?

    If I ever did run for public office, and if someone asked me what my religious affiliation is, I would respond "atheist," [[which for your clarification means without belief in a "higher" power). And it would be the truth. If that was a problem for them, they shouldn't vote for me.

    You ask if there is any politician out there who doesn't believe in sexual equality- try every Rethugnican who ever ran for office!

    I didn't see any Rethugnicans sponsoring the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act a few months back- in 8 years of Tush Control, there was no effort by Rethugs in passing such a bill, which guarantees equal pay for equal work.

    Don't see any Rethugs working hard for gay marriage [[also sexual equality) So don't give me this either/or argument time and again. I'll call you out on it every time.

  20. #20


    Quote: "So don't give me this either/or argument time and again. I'll call you out on it every time. "

    LOL and be deluded, confused and wrong as usual.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Det_ard View Post
    The lying, cheating types are all scumbags. Whether they've got an R or a D it doesn't matter, I comdemn them all. Sanford and Ensign, Clinton and Edwards. Edwards deserves a special award for asshattery since his wife was diagnosed with terminal cancer.
    Maybe so , but it seems like the family values ones who preach and tell us we shouldn't do these vile things but yet seem to do those things themselves tend to have an R next to there name.

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by firstandten View Post
    Maybe so , but it seems like the family values ones who preach and tell us we shouldn't do these vile things but yet seem to do those things themselves tend to have an R next to there name.
    Indeed, it's hypocritical in particular of a family-values promoter to have an affair. They earn extra scorn since they obviously know better and ought to be expected to act better. That doesn't let the D's off the hook though since even a politician who doesn't emphasize the family-values theme surely knows right from wrong, yet freely chooses wrong.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2009


    They know that 80% of this country believes in a higher power, and this group is made up of about 90% women
    This doesn't make any sense.

  24. #24


    $8,687 for a ticket to SA? I know I am ignorant but that isn't that a lot of $$?

  25. #25
    Lorax Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick View Post
    $8,687 for a ticket to SA? I know I am ignorant but that isn't that a lot of $$?
    Just a way for Sanford to act out his elitist sentiments- let the South Carolina taxpayer pay a premium for his infidelity.

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