Well the 1967 riot was NOT about race. It about how crooked the Detroit Police force [[which was 90% white at the time) was keeping hoodlums from loitering corner bars, liquor stores, joining gangs and doing drugs in the once middle class neighborhoods. Blacks and white folks all over Metro-Detroit area definitely REGRET the mess we make and here we are today talking about the problems on the local and national media and taking the word out in the streets like it some part of a diluted gospel. The 1967 12th Street riot came with a Nain Rouge Curse! White folks left Detroit in droves. Black folks stayed and occupy its once middle class neighborhoods. Nain Rouge itself apply the curse to make black Detroiters suffer mentally and physically. Detroit today is Mad Max, Steel Dawn, World War Z, Damnation Alley, 1984, I'm Legend, Oblivion, and Elysium ect... All rolled up in One. It's ghettos are like Beirut, Rome, Babylon, Nineveh, Athens and Baghdad. crunched up. It's going to take a LONG, LONG TIME. to clean up the mess we make.