Quote Originally Posted by JBMcB View Post
Were you sleeping through the real estate bubble? The government artificially kept lending rates low, housing prices shot up. Float the rate and housing prices stabilize where they should be. Same situation with student loans - the misuse/overuse of artificially low rates is pushing up prices. This is pretty basic economics.

When I went to WSU I paid my way through working minimum wage jobs through the school year, then full time in the summer. The campus hadn't changed significantly since my mom went in the 70's - it was pretty shabby, but I went to learn, not appreciate post-modern architecture.

A decade later and WSU is full of shiny new buildings and properties, and tuition is more than double. It's not hard to figure out where the money is going.
You're right. It's all those God damned Poors who keep driving up the cost of everything by getting themselves into hock for an education and a place to live. When will these peasants realize that normal lives are only for people born into money?