I read the article on this topic to include both Freman Hendrix and Jocelyn Benson - both members of the Charter-writing Commission - to say that, in their educated and experienced opinion, Duggan met the Charter stipulations.

Any judge hearing this is going to interview the Chairman of the Charter Commission [[who happens to be still alive and accessible) to determine the intent of the language. No one normal is, while the framers are still living and accessible, going to try to guess at the intended meaning.

This discussion is sort of like the extreme parsing of bible phrases in English when you probably have to go back to Greek and St. Jerome in latin to really understand what Jerome was conveying as he translated from original languages. Extreme parsing is not a substitute for wise reading.
Yes, parse - but don't hang your hat on parsing. look for the meaning - that's justice.

It's creating a tempest in a teapot. I don't think you have to worry about Duggan.

As to howze - she is becoming just as much of a joke as Barrow.