Thanks everyone for nice comments.

Honky Tonk, Money continues to be a big problem. Just the utility bills on such a large theater add up very quickly. Volunteers mainly help at the Senate. That keeps costs down. Some volunteers travel from 1-2 hours away on show days. Specialized jobs, like electrical work, and some performers at live music shows do require hiring. Fortunately $ donations come in when special projects pop up. For example for the new 40 ft wide movie screen arriving later in 2013.

We are finding many people have never heard of or been to the Senate Theater. Having a larger attendance at shows will help lots to keep the ticket and snack prices low and also help keep the theater open at all.

We encourage you to let all your friends know about the fun things happening at the Senate, visit for shows, and to help out in any way you can. There are many more movies and concerts to enjoy this year.

EastsideAl, The Wurlitzer at the Senate is unique and special historically. Here a picture of it if you haven't seen it live yet. Thrilling to see and hear make music. One of the largest organs of this type ever made. Almost all of the instrument is on original 1928 factory specifications and still works great.

Many more Wurlitzer pictures at