Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
I don't know if "profit" is the motivator here. Read some of the posts both here and other places on the internet. The minute someone in authority asks to look in you bag, out comes the "my civil rights" card. Peter Bergman's article brings up some interesting questions about these "first time" bomb makers. Beginner's luck, or a trained operative? Maybe there was information they traveled to and met with questionable people. Either way, I'd rather some POS rights get violated then good people ending up dead or as amputees.
Good people have ended up dead and as amputees fighting for those rights through out the history of this country to protect those rights ,right or wrong.

For this country to lay down and give up those rights would make those who sacrificed be in vain,we pay a price for the freedoms that we have and most of us have never witnessed what it is like not to have them and seem to not have a tendency to fully understand the meaning and reasons behind those rights.

Not to you personally but I do not know you but there was a time when I signed up ready to give my life to protect those rights for you and those who come after me,I for one would never lay down those rights to insure a level of security that can never be obtained ,for those who would there are a few south amercian countries and others that I am sure they could move to experience what it is like to have no rights.