Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
How much longer are people going to let themselves be suckered in by these 'churches'? The Vatican has a centuries-old history of openly discriminating against a wide variety of people, not to mention a history of atrocities.

When will there be a female Cardinal?

When will they expel all of the child abusers in the Clergy and actively aid in their prosecution?

Until at least those two things happen, I can't understand why anyone, any where would be associated with them. The US and other countries should cut off diplomatic relations also.

Screw that bunch of old codgers.

And the Baptists and the Mormons ain't a whole lot better, if any. How many people have been killed over the last few centuries by them or their followers?
What do you mean, when will there be a female Cardinal? When will there be a female PRIEST?? Can't be a Cardinal without being a priest first and that step hasn't been made yet. Probably won't happen with the current pope either. Both the Church and the Bible have been blaming women for the original sin for so long now, I don't see how they'll ever get past it. I think gay marriage will be accepted sooner than you will see women in the priesthood.