Quote Originally Posted by downtownguy View Post
Glad you took my comment with good humor, stasu. If I were Gilbert I would put a Kresge's 5 and 10 in that location.

Target? Schmarget! Every city and suburb can have a Target. But Kresge's is home grown as much as Hudson's was. So why not put the lunch counter back in, go retro, serve Sanders Hot Fudge Sundaes and Boston Coolers, and give Detroiters what they need in the way of essentials to boot? Part museum but very practical, too.

As for Jazz, I still think they have a right to exist anywhere they can afford the rent and provide a service to the folks nearby. As I've said before, they are a clean, well-kept store that happens to sell liquor and the fact is people of all stripes buy liquor in this town. IMHO, they contribute by being an active business providing jobs and tax revenue to the city which is more than you can say about many vacant storefronts within 2 blocks of them.

When Woodward becomes Detroit's Magnificent Mile and rents rival those in Chicago, then Jazz will either move, or be forced to cater to the snobby folks that prefer a single malt rather than a malt liquor. Until then, I'm happy to have their tax revenues.
I like their Christmas lights.