Hey thanks All!

@TexasT - Awesome! Those are some great girls - Europeans living in Detroit - who pulled that book together, a Herculean task over a few years. Go back to near the beginning; my history of Lafayette Park and the seismic changes in Detroit.

@ Gannon - gosh, you must be reading my mind! I was thinking maybe you could do the sound - but I think they already have all that hooked up through the producers, Kresge, et. al. But I'll check though, for sure.

I don't have records though! It will all be from CD or digital. Unless you're proposing 45s! Maybe for the reception afterwards. Lets talk

@ detroittrader Yes, there will be a reception afterwards, so of course, you MUST introduce yourself. I met Gannon a few weeks ago at the CAID gallery, and I almost knocked him down I was so happy to meet a DetroitYes brother. So if you see me coming, brace yourself....

One of the challenges of the performance has been the irony acquiring permissions to use much of the music - imagine, having to track down and ask record companies if I can use music - some of it probably recorded in my living room! LOL!

On the other hand, some have been very gracious, understanding the awkwardness on both sides - them, for having music that might have been acquired through who-knows-what-and-how-many convoluted record company transactions; and me, for having to ask.

But I've got some good stuff now. It's going to be a great event!