Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
I don't disagree with you -- but the problem isn't any one questionable decision. The problem is that we have a gigantic legacy of problems. That's why bankruptcy is the best approach. Toss EVERYTHING out. Bondholders, pensioners, salaried staff and union contracts. Then make sensible decisions on how to reassemble something that works.

I have a problem with sniping at individual decisions. An administration gets NOTHING done when every single decision is fought by some constituency for some reason.
I understand what you are saying, however; this individual decision that Bing made is unconscionable. The individual decisions by KK to steal, rape and pillage Detroit was unconscionable. The individual decisions of some of those who are in power in Detroit have turned it into what it is today.

Don't touch the pension that I worked 35 years to accumulate, Detroit owes that to me and thousands like me. Don't penalize employees who are working hard for Detroit without much guidance or equipment. Don't break union contracts or get rid of salaried staff if they are productive and not pilfering millions of dollars like the fat at the top has been doing for years and is continuing to do today.