Quote Originally Posted by old guy View Post
Yeah, I do too. But I spend about 10 - 12 hours a day working on a computer, so when I'm done for the day, I don't feel the need to have one in my pocket. I actually call people on it too. That really pisses some people off these days. I have to admit that I'm getting a little tired of trying to have a conversation with someone while they've got their face buried in a cell phone, surfing and texting. I pause the conversation for a moment out of courtesy, and I always hear, "Go ahead, I'm listening." They are nice, but I can do without for a while. I also don't like kids running around on my lawn.
I too spend 9 hours of my day on a PC, take care of what business I have to, [[DY posts), and can get my detailed message accross to someone in 2 minutes verbally, as opposed to trying to explain myself for a half hour texn' on an itsy-bitsy keyboard. I was @ the Woodbridge having dinner with a friend, on a Friday night. A younger couple comes in, looks like a date. They order, then from that moment on, through the entire meal, she commences to trying to negotiate a Middle East peace treaty, on her cell phone. Had to be, I don't know what else required THAT intensity. I mean the poor guy is sitting there looking stupid and she's going to town on that phone. Never saw her say one word. She's lucky she wasn't with me. I would have excused myself, and left through the back door. Can you guess if I'm married? And I know EXACTLY what you mean about those DAMN kids on the lawn!