I would vote for her over the Pillsbury Doughboy [[Benny Napoleon) any day of the week. One look at Benny's list of appointees and I can envision what his administration would look like. Crittendon managed a major city agency during extraordinarily lean times. Please compare the size of that department under Archer to what it is today.

And I've rarely seen a public official so regularly and wrongly attacked by the press. Nolan Finley repeatedly made reference to lawsuits she allegedly filed attacking the sacred consent agreement. She filed exactly one suit, it was a declaratory action [[did not seek an injunction) and when the trial judge rejected the argument, she did not appeal it. The suit lived for less than two months. There were no other suits, but that fact never stopped Mr. Finley's bile filled pen.

Crittendon became an all purpose scapegoat for the ineptitude of the Bing administration, which simply does not know what it is doing.

Good luck to her! At least she's not scared to put up a fight for this city.