Think about it though. You have a few hundred to a thousand people gather in campus matrius for a pillow fight. Not only does that make a mess, but inevitably you'll get a few screwballs who take it too far and start swinging pillows at bystanders, which isn't fair to the bystanders, and can cause unintentional injury. This is not something you want happening while you have a few hundred thousand people downtown for a nationally televised event. I'd wager if this pillow fight was planned for some other suburban city or some other part of Detroit aside from the center of downtown, this pillow fight would have been uninterrupted and nobody would have cared. The cops were all over downtown anyway, so it's not as if they were taking people off the streets and assigning them to some anti pillow fighting taskforce. I swear you folks need to get your heads out of your asses sometimes and not take everything as a slight to your civic rights.