Quote Originally Posted by EastsideAl View Post
Which was done only because the area's orthodox Jewish community fought a long and bitter fight, let us not forget. And only then for religious reasons, not because the freeway planners so loved the idea of green space atop their creations.

I think this would be a great idea for the Fisher [[I-75) where it runs north of downtown, particularly if the new Illitch arena etc. project is built on Woodward north of the freeway. I also very much like the idea of the elimination, or perhaps the capping, of the Chrysler and Lodge south of there. All of which would work to relink downtown to the rest of the city and make the downtown/midtown area more walkably/bikeably urban.

Good luck finding the money to do it anytime soon though.
Tie the $13 million DDA funding that he wants to an investment by Illitch Holdings in some greenspace over the freeways. I'd love to see a version of what they have in Oak Park downtown. Never gonna happen, but that would be awesome.