Imho, I do not think Mr Snyder will allow it to happen as most of the problems seem to come from the inability of city government to work together to resolve issues,the money is there so it would be in essence making the rest of the state suffer for the cities inability to come to terms at the table,so they would be taking a big hit for a long time for not a good reason.

I think the gov will string the city along with just enough to survive on until upper management is changed out.Bankruptcy will not change status qoue it will do a lot of damage to the city and state for a long time which will hurt the city even more.It probably would be a lot easier if some at the top just said Monday morning,have a nice day I am out of here,so things could move along a bit faster.There is too much bad blood now with everybody working on their own little agendas instead of working together.A city in limbo would not be a good reason to chapter 9.