Quote Originally Posted by syrett4 View Post
Yes it was. I totally feel for her. Reading between the lines, I believe this group buys homes from the city to give to women like her, but something didn't happen with this particular house. She put $3k into that house, yet two nights ago there was a story about a woman that paid $3k for her house and now can't get a squatter out.
Incorrect, sadly. Maureen Taylor and the Michgan Welfare Rights Coalition do no purchasing of properties whatsoever. They started this fiasco back in May or so, claiming they were invoking an old nuisance abatement ordinance and putting people in city owned properties. It was just a smokescreen. Nuisance abatement requires departmental approval from the city [[they never did that, admittingly) and, like in this case, they "placed" this woman in a home not owned by the city.

I live in East English Village, and this is a few blocks from me. It is a charming block, with a city council member living on it to boot. Like all areas in the metro, it has a few empty houses. So these people think they can just "move on up" to a nice neighborhood and take a house because, as she puts it, she is "human." That sense of entitlement should be outrageous to any right-thinking person - that you can simply take any house you like because you have a pulse.

I do believe housing is a human right. However not any housing you like. The problem with Maureen Taylor and her legions is that they are arrogant enough to believe that housing is not only a human right but any housing, wherever you like, is a human right. Again, this gall is alarming. If you're homeless I think you should be entitled to a room - not a pre-war custom-built home that you fancy, simply because you are "human".

By now many of the people placed in homes by Taylor have been evicted, with no recourse. They listened to Taylor and they were duped. Taylor and her group of terrorists should be jailed for what they've done to these people and the neighborhoods they attacked. Their representative's only defense was that the banks have done "illegal" things too. So two wrongs make a right, in their eyes.

And no, this woman was not a good person. She was not a good neighbor. She went around accosting neighbors telling a wide variety of lies about her situation and supposed right to be there. She allowed garbage to pile up in the street. They have no right to do that to us. Your rights end where that of others begin. However because this person is "human" she thinks she can do whatever she likes.

We got rid of her and another squatter woman of the same ilk who threatened to firebomb our neighbors' houses. Is that ok because she is "human"? We're finally on the upswing here and we weren't about to let a bunch of squatter trash bring us down like the rest of the city.