Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
Now THAT'S reassuring. I feel warm, fuzzy, and tingly all @ once. Reading this article, The Michigan Citizen needs a calendar, because it doesn't have a clue. This isn't 1950. It's just more sensationalized reporting. Bing's not sitting there on stacks of 100's. Read: Detroit's BROKE! What's their solution? Raise the taxes of the actual tax paying Detroiters left? Lower parking meter times to 15 minutes? Demand Lansing or the Feds just throw more money into the incompetence pit? Just HOW do they propose to provide all these services on the current budget? More BS talk.
That's not all. There's been talk of rolling back or throwing the consent decree out the window as well, or so I have heard. The thinking is that since the EM is out the picture, they can revert back to the way things were as well.

On the OTHER side of the coin, though, there are those in Lansing that are of the mind to let a city just go Bankrupt as an example to others. I kind of figured that would happen.