Quote Originally Posted by erikd View Post
There seems to be no shortage of people dreaming up grand plans for "saving Detroit." Unfortunately, nobody seems to realize that what we really need to save Detroit is a functional government that provides basic city services. We don't need grandiose visions for creating a futuristic utopia based on nothing but somebody's daydream. We need streetlights that work, 911 responders that show up in less than 2 hours, and public transit that runs efficiently and on time every day.

Fix the basics and most of the other stuff will fall into place.
Great post !!

When are people going to realize that we don't need a grand strategy to fix Detroit, we don't need folks nibbling around the edges trying to hit a home run or kicking the can down the road. Just do the fundamentals, just do the tried and true things that makes a city livable and everything else will take care of itself.