Quote Originally Posted by wazootyman View Post
It's piling on. Hey everyone, in case you forgot, Detroit sucks! Why would anyone ever want to live there? Stores and people - they're all fleeing for the exits!

Why else would somebody across the country - or world - care about the closing of a Borders or Chrysler dealer?

Find me something positive about Detroit in the national news and I'll believe that this is responsible journalism. Until then, I feel like this is the equivalent of making fun of the nerdy kid to make ones self feel better.
I seriously doubt the author, The Wall Street Journal and Yahoo! News had the collective intent to bully poor ol' Detroit, you've portrayed their coverage as being. Perhaps you should examine your intentions when reading the news - are you looking for facts, or are you looking for pick-me-up? It's the difference between a source like the Today show and something like The News Hour with Jim Leher.

Sorry that you have trouble coping with reality. Maybe you should contact WSJ and Yahoo! and tell them they shouldn't dare report such awful truths ever again - unless they send you an ice cream cone to make you feel better about it.