Quote Originally Posted by Wesley Mouch View Post
Are you ever open to the possibility that someone might be sincere in their desires to improve the world -- even if in a way you might not 100% agree with?
I think I've acknowledged that. That many supporters of this bill are well-meaning and simply see the world only from their perspective, and thus don't understand the actual harm this could do.

Bear in mind, sir, nobody ever got much pull by claiming they wanted to make the world worse for people. All the world's most noxious demagogues and tyrants always claimed they were working for the betterment of the world, yes? And many of their followers and adherents considered themselves "mainstream" and not "extremists."

And that's why "sincerity" is a poor replacement for actually doing the hard work of research and trying to understand what happens. You stop looking for what's true and just go with what sounds "truthy" to you. That's not a well-informed electorate. That's a peanut gallery.