No, I know that the AA VA isn't bad. I have a brother in law that goes there. That doesn't mean that there aren't long lines and procedures that are denied/delayed. My husband used to go to the Allen Park one. He has also gone to 2 different ones in Ohio, one in WV and 2 in Kentucky. One in Ohio refused to give him cholesterol medicine because of the cost...he had lost weight, exercised and it wouldn't come down on it's own. The result? He had a major heart attack at 39. Then, at another facility, it was found he had a hydroseal and possible rupture. They went in for rupture surgery [[which he didn't need) and because he was opened up that way, drew the wrong testicle up through his abdomen and damaged it to the point it later had to be removed by an outside doctor...oh, yes, and they never fixed the hydroseal. The outside doc offered to support us in a law suit, but we decided not to proceed. Then, he had a problem with one of his eyes...went to the ER in Huntington, the doc gave him some eye medicine [[no big deal, right?) and sent him home with a follow up appointment with the VA specialist in 8 days. Sounded like they were on the ball. Well, after a couple of days, the eye started burning, having vision disturbances. He thought maybe it was the one medication and stopped using it. Thank God. When he saw the specialist, the guy had a total fit. That med was only supposed to be used for the first day. It had started to destroy his retina and he lost part of his sight. I know, it sounds like hubbys name should be Lucky, doesn't it? The thing is these things are happening all the time in the VA system. It is the rare facility that does a consistently good job. And yes, there are plenty more things I could tell you about the VA system. I've been a volunteer there for about 18 years simply because some of us care and try to do what we can to at least provide a pleasant atmosphere for those who deserve our help and care. In any event, maybe your experiences have been good or acceptable. If so, I'm very happy for you. Just understand it isn't all that common when the government is involved. Oh, by the way...did you also know that many VAs don't have a lot of meds available? Not horribly expensive ones either. If you want to know more, please let me know and I'll be glad to give you more information. Have a great day.