Quote Originally Posted by Kevgoblue View Post
That's because the problem isn't "those" who are moving in. The problem is socioeconomic. Problems occur when property values plummet and undereducated, low income folks can afford the neighborhood. When well educated, well employed people move in there are rarely ever problems. Regardless of that person's race, nation of origin or sexual orientation.

But instead of working to find more effective ways to educate people we run. We run to the next exurb of cookie cutter McMansions and build more jails. Then we bitch and complain about gas prices when we live 50 miles from our jobs. We bitch because the cost of college is increasing at 3x the rate of inflation as a result of the state reducing funding for education so they can increase spending on prisons.
So what am I suppose to do with the person breaking into my house, educate him? I love how people can turn the criminals into victims.