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  1. #1

    Default 9/11/12 Embassy, Ambassador, Prophet Depiction, Mobs, Politicians...

    On 9/11/12, mobs attacked a US consulate and and embassy killing our ambassador and other Americans. Our Marines don't seem to have fired more than warning shots. Secrets papers went missing possibly including the names of locals helpful to the US and secret information of US policy. Egypt had warned the US that an attack might occur. Local security forces were not present for hours or vanished. Our leaders assure us that this was a fluke and that these governments are our friends so billion$ will still be provided as aid to those governments. They must be our friends because our government helped put them into power. Even though our government has tried to both support the concerns of the First Amendment and Sharia Law, the mob violence is spreading in the Muslim world. The BBC, this morning, even put up a "Latest Protest Updates" thread.

    There are so many aspects to this mess that a separate thread needed to be set up because the topic had taken over two other threads.

  2. #2


    Being ignorant of the conversation about this in other threads I will say this, the U.S. needs to leave nations that are not hospitable to us. I know some are just aching to bomb these nations [[you know, the ones that love life [[as long as it is a fetus) but sleep like babies knowing innocent women and children are being killed because governments they don't control disagree) and show the world you don't mess with America. I think we are bankrupting ourselves and putting the lives of our citizens at risk simply so we claim the holy "Police of the World" title.

    There's not much I agree with Ron Paul on, but as far as us leaving this nonsensical 'police the world' mentality behind, I see eye to eye with him on that.

  3. #3


    In the infamous words of Al Bundy........

    Blah-blah, blah.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Crumbled_pavement View Post
    Being ignorant of the conversation about this in other threads I will say this, the U.S. needs to leave nations that are not hospitable to us. I know some are just aching to bomb these nations [[you know, the ones that love life [[as long as it is a fetus) but sleep like babies knowing innocent women and children are being killed because governments they don't control disagree) and show the world you don't mess with America. I think we are bankrupting ourselves and putting the lives of our citizens at risk simply so we claim the holy "Police of the World" title.

    There's not much I agree with Ron Paul on, but as far as us leaving this nonsensical 'police the world' mentality behind, I see eye to eye with him on that.
    I pretty much agree with you.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Crumbled_pavement View Post
    There's not much I agree with Ron Paul on, but as far as us leaving this nonsensical 'police the world' mentality behind, I see eye to eye with him on that.
    Think about this for a while: If Romney becomes POTUS, he has already said he would be at the beck and call of Israel's Prime Minister [[he said he would "Never turn down" a meeting). Is that sort of kowtowing the image the US should project? He has essentially admitted that he would rubber-stamp any Israeli policies[[even though a whopping 63% of Israelies disagree with the governments actions regarding Iran and the Palestinians). What would be the reaction of the Muslim world to that? I can clearly see another, probably worse, oil embargo that would likely cripple the West economically [[and, no, the difference couldn't be made up by drilling in ANWAR, where the best estimates of the oil reserves total less than we use in a month). We should just let the Middle East sort itself out and not support any of them

    Also, if Germany wants us to keep our bases open, they should put there money where their mouth is. Ditto for Japan, Australia, etc. etc.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Crumbled_pavement View Post
    There's not much I agree with Ron Paul on, but as far as us leaving this nonsensical 'police the world' mentality behind, I see eye to eye with him on that.
    I wouldn't be against that, but this was an attack on an embassy, not a military installation. I really don't think a policy of closing embassies and consulates is wise. There will always be Americans in every corner of the world and in many places the American Embassy or Consulate are the only places they can turn to for assistance.

    I'm okay getting out of all these foreign entanglements, but I don't think becoming isolationist is an answer.

    I do shake my head at the backwardness of so much of the Muslim world. It seems like they're perpetually stuck in the Dark Ages. It really is sad because I admire Islam as a religion and so many Muslims are great people.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Continued from: http://www.detroityes.com/mb/showthr...820#post340820

    First: I was accused of being a conspiracy theorist when I was saying the Libyans were probably in on divulging intelligence to the "militants" or "random mob" who killed the Ambassador, and that the attack was planned and calculated.

    I linked stories indicating that the Obama Administration opened up an investigation because they got intelligence that suggested just that.

    Second: I was called a racist because I even dared to suggest this being a possibility, maybe because the race card players themselves were racist and thought the people involved were incapable of pulling off an intelligent, pre planned strike on this level?

    Well, now check out the latest:

    The killings of the US ambassador to Libya and three of his staff were likely to have been the result of a serious and continuing security breach, The Independent can reveal.

    American officials believe the attack was planned, but Chris Stevens had been back in the country only a short while and the details of his visit to Benghazi, where he and his staff died, were meant to be confidential.

    The US administration is now facing a crisis in Libya. Sensitive documents have gone missing from the consulate in Benghazi and the supposedly secret location of the "safe house" in the city, where the staff had retreated, came under sustained mortar attack. Other such refuges across the country are no longer deemed "safe".


    Not only was the attack preplanned, and people inside were in on it, but the US GOVERNMENT WAS AWARE THERE WAS A THREAT AND NEVER REACTED.
    According to senior diplomatic sources, the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted, but no warnings were given for diplomats to go on high alert and "lockdown", under which movement is severely restricted.
    Failure at Government's highest levels. Plain and clear. Ouch.

    Here is a photo of an American's last grasp for life, on a pillar outside the Consulate in Libya:
    Name:  article-2202979-15000864000005DC-290_964x602-e1347627294348.jpeg
Views: 625
Size:  29.3 KB
    What if these handprints were those of your wife? Your son or daughter?

    And what of this "film" exactly?
    It was created by an Egyptian born man! So the Egyptians and Libyans and Muslims are raging over the actions of one of their own!
    A 55-year-old Egypt-born Coptic Christian man living in the Los Angeles area was a key figure behind the anti-Islam film "Innocence of Muslims," blamed for sparking riots and protests in the Middle East, a federal law enforcement official told NBC News Thursday.
    I've seen some of this film, it's rediculous, amature quality, has bad actors superimposed on a desert background, and is not even a serious plot. I watched about three or four minutes of it before I shut it off. It was an eye roller, total B trash movie. You cant even take it seriously.

    This is a big mess.
    It would be a good opportunity for Obama to show leadership and the ability to identify himself as a clear leader of the free world, and masterful handling of foreign policy, but he's been busy campaign fundraising in Las Vegas and shorty NYC partying with Beyonce and Jay-Z. Priorities.

    Do you think he would act this way and do these things if those handprints belonged to Michelle, or one of his daughters Malia Ann or Sasha?
    Last edited by Papasito; September-14-12 at 03:20 PM.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Papasito View Post
    Continued from: http://www.detroityes.com/mb/showthr...820#post340820

    First: I was accused of being a conspiracy theorist when I was saying the Libyans were probably in on divulging intelligence to the "militants" or "random mob" who killed the Ambassador, and that the attack was planned and calculated.

    I linked stories indicating that the Obama Administration opened up an investigation because they got intelligence that suggested just that.

    Second: I was called a racist because I even dared to suggest this being a possibility, maybe because the race card players themselves were racist and thought the people involved were incapable of pulling off an intelligent, pre planned strike on this level?

    Well, now check out the latest:


    Not only was the attack preplanned, and people inside were in on it, but the US GOVERNMENT WAS AWARE THERE WAS A THREAT AND NEVER REACTED.

    Failure at Government's highest levels. Plain and clear. Ouch.

    Here is a photo of an American's last grasp for life, on a pillar outside the Consulate in Libya:
    Name:  article-2202979-15000864000005DC-290_964x602-e1347627294348.jpeg
Views: 625
Size:  29.3 KB
    What if these handprints were those of your wife? Your son or daughter?

    And what of this "film" exactly?
    It was created by an Egyptian born man! So the Egyptians and Libyans and Muslims are raging over the actions of one of their own!

    I've seen some of this film, it's rediculous, amature quality, has bad actors superimposed on a desert background, and is not even a serious plot. I watched about three or four minutes of it before I shut it off. It was an eye roller, total B trash movie. You cant even take it seriously.

    This is a big mess.
    It would be a good opportunity for Obama to show leadership and the ability to identify himself as a clear leader of the free world, and masterful handling of foreign policy, but he's been busy campaign fundraising in Las Vegas and shorty NYC partying with Beyonce and Jay-Z. Priorities.

    Do you think he would act this way and do these things if those handprints belonged to Michelle, or one of his daughters Malia Ann or Sasha?
    The grownups are talking. Go play outside.

  9. #9


    Radical Islam is still in its 'jihadist' dogmatic materialism to fight and die for God. Any offensive remarks from anyone could face civil unrest.

  10. #10


    'Obama's Middle East Policy Is in Ruins'

    This seems to be true but the title to this Spiegel Online article is misleading for two reasons. First, German embassies have also come under attack because of the new German law against circumcision. It seems that some Muslims are offended that Germany would make a restriction that would affect their emigration to Germany. Anyway, German circumcisions have nothing to do with Obama's Middle East Policy. Second, some of the critiques in the Spiegel article are sympathetic with Obama's efforts.

    Sample, " The deeply held American belief that all you have to do is liberate people from serfdom and dictatorship, and then democracy and a market economy will develop more or less on their own, burned to ash in the trial by fire of Iraq. A fact that academics and historically informed diplomats have always known can now be observed throughout the Arab world: Deeply ingrained cultural attitudes do not change simply because one political regime replaces another. In the long process of building a democratic society, it is not possible to simply skip stages."

    The White House also released a statement that, "We're very proud of the president's record on foreign policy.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Is he serious or a joke?

    9/11 Embassies raided, people killed.
    • Obama goes to Las Vegas.


    9/14 More Embassies raided, riots in the streets, US schools evacuated based on threats.
    • Obama goes to NYC to party and make that ca$h with Beyonce & Jay-Z


    Let's go retro:

    1. Economy in shambles.
    2. Health insurance and Medical costs skyrocketing.
    3. Unemployment still over 8%
    4. The Fed bleeding paper money like there's no tomorrow.

    • Obama plays his 100th round of golf.


    If I were a Democrat, I would have to stand up for my party here and question this guy. Just like a Republican should admit when George Bush II takes too much vacation or when Ronald Reagan spent too much money trying to win the Cold War.

    There are some good leaders in the Democrat Party, Obama just isn't one of them.

    Name:  download.jpg
Views: 437
Size:  6.2 KB
    Just another country club politician with a lobster eating wife in a million dollar house conning Americans into thinking he's on our level. No change here. Just more of the same old same old in new giftwrap.
    For a moment there, Americans thought "A politician is lying when their lips are moving" might not be true with someone.. someone who really gets us and understands us... this guys gonna be different.
    Well we did have hope for that, nothing changed.
    Last edited by Papasito; September-14-12 at 04:30 PM.

  12. #12


    The attack in Libya was a pre-planned and coordinated strike by forces hostile to the U.S. and the new U.S. backed regime there.

    Other than that though, the fact is that these are actually relatively small, if fervent, protests consisting of at most a few hundred people. The video behind it was whipped up by a very small group of radically anti-Islamic Coptic Christian Egyptians living here in the U.S. to serve their own ends. After producing the video they then did all they could over the past couple of months to bring it to the attention of radical Islamic demagogues in Egypt. When at least one of those demagogues with his own TV program [[sort of an Egyptian Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck) eventually got around to seeing the video, he, predictably, reacted with much outrage.

    The result has been the rather small-scale, but very dramatic and public, violence that both sides wanted. In so doing, they've stuck us all in the middle of their battle.
    Last edited by EastsideAl; September-14-12 at 04:27 PM.

  13. #13


    When you're as full of hate as at least one poster on this thread, you are incapable of clear and rational thought.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Meddle View Post
    When you're as full of hate as at least one poster on this thread, you are incapable of clear and rational thought.
    really, dude? i'm full of hate?
    im not the one killing innocent people
    youre on the wrong side.
    maybe you should look for an al queda recruiter if you like them so much
    A news report made by the Libyan Free Press is also reporting that Ambassador Stevens was sodomized before he was killed:
    "Libya - USA Ambassador in Bengazi sodomized and killed by his own al-Qaeda puppets."

    Read more: PICKET: UPDATE - Lebanon news rape report on murdered U.S. amb. in Libya remains unconfirmed by AFP - Washington Times http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/...#ixzz26U7t6BWm
    Original Source:

    I've said before, more on this will come out as time goes on. It's hard to tell what's true and what's not.

    You obviously aren't reading my posts either. You're just glancing at them, remembering what you read on GoFarLeft.org and forming your own opinion without clicking a link, reading a fact, or understanding a point of view.

    Your commander in chief dropped the ball on 9/11 and the results are still going on today, embassies are still burning, people are still dying [[7 more today and counting) and you don't want to admit it. Keep grasping for straws to make more excuses for him.

    At least seven people were reported to have been killed Friday across the Middle East and Africa in protests over the anti-Islamic video that led to a deadly attack on a U.S. consulate in Libya this week.

    Wait.. who's the hater? The poster on a web forum or the people killing people over a bad movie made in the US by an Egyptian?

    The grownups are talking. Go play outside.
    George Bush was an idiot for getting us deep involved in the Middle East.
    Obama is no better.

    I'm waiting on the edge of my seat for you guys' take on all of this, your explanations, your rationality of the situation and your excuses so you can continue to be partisan hacks.
    There's not much I agree with Ron Paul on, but as far as us leaving this nonsensical 'police the world' mentality behind, I see eye to eye with him on that.
    It's very smart, considering the town of Detroit [[and many past Great American cities) is in ruins. It would be smart rebuilding our own country instead of everyone else's, wouldn't it?
    Last edited by Papasito; September-14-12 at 05:27 PM.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by EastsideAl View Post
    The attack in Libya was a pre-planned and coordinated strike by forces hostile to the U.S. and the new U.S. backed regime there.

    Other than that though, the fact is that these are actually relatively small, if fervent, protests consisting of at most a few hundred people. .
    there were scenes like this all over Libya

    Name:  Libya.jpg
Views: 616
Size:  52.9 KB

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2009


    And that's a good thing, Rb.
    No one is saying all Muslims are bad here.
    The only thing that is being said is there was a pre-planned and organized attack by radicals on the anniversary of 09/11/2001 to murder the American Ambassador to Libya and others, armed with inside intelligence to inform those involved of his location, in order to not only fulfill this premeditated killing, but spark a global movement at embassies that now have occurred in 14 different countries.

    It's serious and can't be ignored.

  17. #17


    And no one is ignoring it. The Libyan govt. has arrested 4.


    The problem is that there are so many American idiots putting shit out there designed to inflame Muslims, and idiots like Romney who jump up and down screaming "terrorist sympathizer" [[or subtler words meant to convey the same idea) about Obama when a US official says that they don't represent us

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    ...and idiots like Romney who jump up and down screaming "terrorist sympathizer" [[or subtler words meant to convey the same idea)...
    I'm picturing a dog barking at its own shit.

  19. #19
    GUSHI Guest


    We need to get out that part of the world, seriously let Irasel deal w it, the problem is this country is run by Jews, so we will never leave the mid east,

    Just keep on giving these countries money while are cities are falling apart,

    Aren't these embassy considered US land, if so one many attacks have we has on Us soil the last few days,

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Jimaz View Post
    I'm picturing a dog barking at its own shit.
    inside the car or on the roof?

  21. #21


    Precisely... the double standard is astonishing. Will the 'peace' president PLEASE RESPOND? The world is watching....

    Quote Originally Posted by Papasito View Post
    Is he serious or a joke?

    9/11 Embassies raided, people killed.
    • Obama goes to Las Vegas.


    9/14 More Embassies raided, riots in the streets, US schools evacuated based on threats.
    • Obama goes to NYC to party and make that ca$h with Beyonce & Jay-Z


    ....If I were a Democrat, I would have to stand up for my party here and question this guy. Just like a Republican should admit when George Bush II takes too much vacation or when Ronald Reagan spent too much money trying to win the Cold War.

    There are some good leaders in the Democrat Party, Obama just isn't one of them.

    Just another country club politician with a lobster eating wife in a million dollar house conning Americans into thinking he's on our level.

    No change here. Just more of the same old same old in new giftwrap.
    For a moment there, Americans thought "A politician is lying when their lips are moving" might not be true with someone.. someone who really gets us and understands us... this guys gonna be different.
    Well we did have hope for that, nothing changed.
    Last edited by Zacha341; September-15-12 at 12:26 AM.

  22. #22


    Both are equally useless here [[dem or repub). Look for the puppet master here...

    Quote Originally Posted by rb336 View Post
    inside the car or on the roof?
    Last edited by Zacha341; September-15-12 at 07:24 AM.

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Zacha341 View Post
    Precisely... the double standard is astonishing. Will the 'peace' president PLEASE RESPOND? The world is watching....
    Respond doing what? We need to leave hostile countries, period.

    Poobert, I hear what you're saying and you make a lot of sense. I don't believe in us becoming complete isolationists either and I'm not saying we should close down all embassies, just those in countries hostile to us. American citizens need to understand that to travel to some countries is to risk their own lives. Our government should not be responsible to make its citizens safe anywhere in the world. Some areas of the world just aren't safe. We do have allies in the Middle East and we should continue diplomatic relations with those allies. The others need to be left to their own devices.

  24. #24


    Libya is not hostile to us. The country has come out in opposition to the mob mentality and terrorism, and has arrested some in its investigation. Egypt is not hostile to us. As a country, we need to maintain diplomacy in the Middle East, and we need to work with the countries where these events are unfolding. This is not the time to rattle sabers. It may descend to that level in coming days but we need to exercise our national patience and diplomacy meatime.

    For us to stand up and scream for blood because of the actions of a few at this time is little better than the people demonstrating against a movie that we as a country did not make and do not support.
    Last edited by gazhekwe; September-15-12 at 07:20 AM.

  25. #25


    Fine, he should say we should be leaving then. I did not suggest military action but he should issue a statement that decries the violence towards our citizens there. Instead he's off doing his thing with the click and tick or traveling... just like they all do... And well we're in the election cycle... soooo he's busy...

    No surprise here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Crumbled_pavement View Post
    Respond doing what? We need to leave hostile countries, period.

    Poobert, I hear what you're saying and you make a lot of sense. I don't believe in us becoming complete isolationists either and I'm not saying we should close down all embassies, just those in countries hostile to us. American citizens need to understand that to travel to some countries is to risk their own lives. Our government should not be responsible to make its citizens safe anywhere in the world. Some areas of the world just aren't safe. We do have allies in the Middle East and we should continue diplomatic relations with those allies. The others need to be left to their own devices.

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