Quote Originally Posted by oladub View Post

The Democratic Convention has not kicked into high gear yet. Mostly groups will gather to participate in and organize the politics of division.

Los Angeles Mayor Villaraigosa, a La Raza supporter, and womanizer, will be gaveled in as the chair of the convention. Four other Hispanic representative will speak to amplify the politics of division theme and hopefully explain Obamanomics; why it is a good idea to reward breaking the law and hand out about 1.7M work passes to foreigners by executive order while simultaneously providing unemployment benefits to 13M US workers.

Mayor Rahm Emmanuel will speak after 9pm perhaps about crime in Chicago.
There will, of course be the requisite pro-abortion and union speeches, and something from Harry Reid spliced in.
You sure you weren't a Fox News Anchor in a previous life ?

You really know how to throw in the zingers LOL !!