Thanks for the kind words DTGuy and Shollin. Like most teachers, I didn't get into this to become rich. I did expect that if I worked hard and got good at what I was doing there would be some sense of job security. I never would have believed the amount of anger and resentment toward the profession that I see today. I confess that I am baffled by the "I don't get those benefits, so why should they?" attitude that I see so often. For me the silver lining has been that I love teaching more than I ever thought I would. Teaching in Detroit Public Schools can be incredibly rewarding and I wish I could continue here for the rest of my career. Unfortunately, the last several years of pay cuts have put me in a position where I'm not sure how much longer I can stay. This is not a hobby, this is my livelihood. As much as I love working with my students, at some point I may be forced to leave for purely economic reasons. I truly hope this day never comes.