Quote Originally Posted by Richard View Post
In your OP you asked for thoughts on the matter no offense it looks as though you are looking for support in opposition.
None taken. Initially I honestly didn't know what to make of this but the more I thought about it, I realized that I sympathize more with the opposition. I still think that given the nature of Detroit's lack of public safety, serving alcohol in a more or less residential area is just asking for trouble. Mudgie's can have the best of intentions, but it has absolutely no control over patrons who come in who can't handle their liquor and then start trouble.

But what I think doesn't at all matter.

I like Mudgie's. I will still patronize them even if they get their license. I personally have no problem with them if they do serve alcohol. But then again, I don't live there. It's the people who live in the community who will have to live with the consequences.

The article I linked to stated that:
The city received 6 letters of opposition and a petition signed by 42 near-by residents and property owners

It sounds like pretty strong opposition to me.

And finally, on another point, some people are acting as if Corktown will fall to a swift demise if Mudgie's closes shop. I love their food so I would hate to see them go, but Corktown is on the rise now. Another business will come along, and if they want to serve alcohol they will know to keep it on the Avenue.