There’s nothing like politics to bring out the crazies in people — and celebrities are not immune from this often unflattering affliction. Against the backdrop of the Republican National Convention, actor and strident conservative Jon Voight unleashed a diatribe saying the Obama Administration has "taken over" mainstream media in the U.S. in the same way Hugo Chavez’s has in Venezuela. "The Republican Party is a victim of a bias, of a destructive bias against the Republican Party," Voight, in part, frothed. Meanwhile, as Hurricane Isaac loomed, threatening to take the convention out, actress Ellen Barkin re-tweeted this controversial message: "C'mon Isaac! Wash every pro-life, anti-education, anti-woman, xenophobic, gay-bashing, racist SOB right into the ocean!" And Samuel L. Jackson spat via Twitter: "Unfair S**t: GOP spared by Isaac!" Guys, stick to pretendin'.[Source]

UPDATE: After receiving a stack of angry @-replies, Jackson sent out an apology to "God, Tampa, da GOP& Isaac!" for what he called his "bullish*t tweet." He later added "Be Safe & be Smart wherever you are & whatever your Politics!" Barkin remains unrepentantly crazy.

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A nation divided is easier to control!