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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default While a teacher, 11th District candidate Bentivolio's behavior was a problem


    This is the Republican running for McCotter's seat.

    On the first day of school last year, Kerry Bentivolio told students in his English class at Fowlerville High School that he had one goal: to make each one of them cry at least once.
    Nine months later, school administrators reprimanded him for intimidating and threatening students by grabbing their desks and yelling in their faces or for slamming his fists on their desks

    Nice. Let's keep this guy out of office.

  2. #2


    Nice! Great teaching skills! We all know how Dems and Reps are though. 40% of the population will vote for whoever has the R or D regardless of what they do. If Sarah Palin ran as a D 40% would still vote for her and if Leon Trotsky ran as an R it would be the same on their side lol.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    He wants to turn all border control responsibilites over to the marines.

    Can you imagine your next Blue Water Bridge crossing? I think I would be tossed in jail.

  4. #4


    "Nine months later, school administrators reprimanded him for intimidating and threatening students by grabbing their desks and yelling in their faces or for slamming his fists on their desks."

    Isnt that supposed to be the students job?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by jpbollma View Post
    Nice! Great teaching skills! We all know how Dems and Reps are though. 40% of the population will vote for whoever has the R or D regardless of what they do. If Sarah Palin ran as a D 40% would still vote for her and if Leon Trotsky ran as an R it would be the same on their side lol.
    L. Brooks is no exception:

    He [[Bentivolio) has complained bitterly that mainstream Republicans sought another candidate to run against him when he was left as the only name on the ballot. Among them was Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson, who said Bentivolio's views -- including turning border control over to the U.S. Marines -- were too extreme. After Bentivolio won the primary, Patterson said he'd support him for the November election.

  6. #6


    for intimidating and threatening students by grabbing their desks and yelling in their faces or for slamming his fists on their desks
    If he tried that in a Detroit High School, he'd probably get thrown out a third floor window.

  7. #7


    He started at Notre Dame Prep/Marist Academy in 2000. Taught me 8th grade History when the normal teacher was on maternity leave, later he moved over to NDP and I think taught CAD/Drafting. I always liked him, he was different than most of the other teachers but looking back on it I'm not surprised he's a Libertarian. Don't agree with any of his ideologies but I liked him as a teacher.

  8. #8



    The brother of Kerry Bentivolio says the Michigan congressional candidate, who's favored to win on Tuesday, is “mentally unbalanced” and could end up in jail.
    "I've never met anyone in my life who is conniving and dishonest as this guy," Phillip Bentivolio said, according to the Michigan Information and Research Service [[subscription required). "He's my brother so it's hard to talk about this, but I believe that if he gets elected, he'll eventually serve time in prison."
    Philip Bentivolio said that in 1992, he helped his brother build houses in Arkansas and Kerry owed him $20,000. This month he told Kerry he would go to the media with the story if he did not get paid, and Kerry then said he called the FBI and the Little Rock Police Department.

    “He told them that I told them that if he didn't send me money, I was going to kill myself," Phillip Bentivolio said. "I couldn't believe it."

    Kerry Bentivolio said that his brother has “serious mental issues” and that the FBI was looking into his brother’s request for repayment 20 years after the fact.
    Don't you do it Michigan!

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by brizee View Post

    Don't you do it Michigan!
    Let's be clear: This isn't Michigan as a whole. These are extremely conservative suburbs, in large part. They will elect him. I can almost guarantee it.

    The man is clearly deranged - and I don't mean that from a partisan standpoint. He has that "R" after his name though, and in Novi and Canton you can bet that will play with a shitload of people.

    Hey, let's talk about how his opponent is a brown guy, from India, and A MUSLIM. In case you haven't noticed, that's really, really fucking important for some reason to Americans like those of much of the 11th district. Bentivolio could start eating peoples' faces [[which I he just may) and he'd still get elected because he's a Republican and a "Christian".

    Yet there has been not a word about that from ANYONE. Yet everyone is already up in arms about how Duggan can't get elected Detroit mayor because he's white, and the guy isn't even fucking running yet. Total double standard, as usual.

    It's taboo to talk honestly about suburban politics. Detroit is the only place with the problems. Detroit is the place where they elect people based on name and race. Detroit is where they elect idiots, incompetents, and the eccentric. Not the glorious, magnanimous suburbs. Let's talk about McCotter now - wait, hey, look over there, it's a picture of Barbara Rose Collins in a tiara! Those stupid Detroiters!

    The suburbs are poised to elect this guy, Fouts just cancelled Halloween, and I STILL hear about Martha fucking Reeves from my co-workers.

    I will be the first person to admit that Metro Detroit elects incredibly, deplorably bad leadership of both parties. I maintain that it is one of the main reasons we're stuck somewhere in the 3rd quarter of the 20th century. From the reactionary to the demended to the possibly already dead, they're just talking heads that will tell their little vassals what they want to hear.
    Last edited by poobert; November-02-12 at 12:43 PM.

  10. #10


    Hey Poobert, nice rant, but I have a query for you. For the sake of this question let's say you live over on the Eastside or Harper Woods or Grosse Pointe; it is where the 1st Michigan House District is located.

    If you had to vote, would you vote for the 8 time felon or the other guy? Why.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    Hey Poobert, nice rant, but I have a query for you. For the sake of this question let's say you live over on the Eastside or Harper Woods or Grosse Pointe; it is where the 1st Michigan House District is located.

    If you had to vote, would you vote for the 8 time felon or the other guy? Why.
    Pretty humorous that you played into exactly the scenario Poobert spoke of. Distract, distract, distract and when that doesn't work distract by pointing out the poor voting records of Detroiters.

    The topic is Santa and his reindeer and the fools in his district that will vote for his based on only his party affiliation or color.

    Any thoughts on the topic at hand without the usual tactic of distraction and pointing to those dumb Detroiters

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by poobert View Post
    It's taboo to talk honestly about suburban politics. Detroit is the only place with the problems. Detroit is the place where they elect people based on name and race. Detroit is where they elect idiots, incompetents, and the eccentric. Not the glorious, magnanimous suburbs. Let's talk about McCotter now - wait, hey, look over there, it's a picture of Barbara Rose Collins in a tiara! Those stupid Detroiters!

    The suburbs are poised to elect this guy, Fouts just cancelled Halloween, and I STILL hear about Martha fucking Reeves from my co-workers.

    I will be the first person to admit that Metro Detroit elects incredibly, deplorably bad leadership of both parties. I maintain that it is one of the main reasons we're stuck somewhere in the 3rd quarter of the 20th century. From the reactionary to the demended to the possibly already dead, they're just talking heads that will tell their little vassals what they want to hear.
    Yeah it's crazy.

    You get people with those condescending "Oh those people will never vote for a white man!" "He's the wrong color!" "They'd still vote for Kwame if they could!"

    Black are so much dumber than they are. We're just incapable of evaluating candidates as they come and choosing those that we believe would serve our interests best. Sometimes we get it wrong, and I'm not gonna grovel and flagulate myself over it either.

    And exactly how fucking many nonwhite executives have been elected in majority white suburbs? We've been voting white presidiential candidates since we were granted the right to vote, so that incapable of voting white shit just doesn't fly.

    I did like that "Will Detroit elect a felon?" topic. Misleading, innacurate, loaded and racebaiting all at once. That's pure [[southeast) Michigan.

    PS. It is nice seeing that jerkoff Hoekstra having his racist/childish campaign blowup right in his smug face. Gives me tiny bit of hope for Michissippi.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by brizee View Post
    Yeah it's crazy.

    You get people with those condescending "Oh those people will never vote for a white man!" "He's the wrong color!" "They'd still vote for Kwame if they could!"

    Black are so much dumber than they are. We're just incapable of evaluating candidates as they come and choosing those that we believe would serve our interests best. Sometimes we get it wrong, and I'm not gonna grovel and flagulate myself over it either.

    And exactly how fucking many nonwhite executives have been elected in majority white suburbs? We've been voting white presidiential candidates since we were granted the right to vote, so that incapable of voting white shit just doesn't fly.

    I did like that "Will Detroit elect a felon?" topic. Misleading, innacurate, loaded and racebaiting all at once. That's pure [[southeast) Michigan.

    PS. It is nice seeing that jerkoff Hoekstra having his racist/childish campaign blowup right in his smug face. Gives me tiny bit of hope for Michissippi.
    Unfortunately Debbie "the dumbass I can't pay my taxes" Stanbenow is just as bad or worse! We are right back Michissippi if we elect her also. But she will be elected just because she is a democrat. Talk about the blind leading the blind!

  14. #14


    "I did like that "Will Detroit elect a felon?" topic. Misleading, innacurate, loaded and racebaiting all at once. That's pure [[southeast) Michigan."

    And this guy doesn't have 8 felonies? Given the benefit of a doubt, running for office he continues to pass bad checks? Too bad all you can see is racism.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Honky Tonk View Post
    "I did like that "Will Detroit elect a felon?" topic. Misleading, innacurate, loaded and racebaiting all at once. That's pure [[southeast) Michigan."

    And this guy doesn't have 8 felonies? Given the benefit of a doubt, running for office he continues to pass bad checks? Too bad all you can see is racism.
    After winning a five-way Democratic primary in August, Banks is favored to win the general election Tuesday in the heavily Democratic 1st District, which includes northeast Detroit, Harper Woods, Grosse Pointe Woods and part of Grosse Pointe Shores.

    "Will Detroit elect a felon...?"

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by gnome View Post
    Hey Poobert, nice rant, but I have a query for you. For the sake of this question let's say you live over on the Eastside or Harper Woods or Grosse Pointe; it is where the 1st Michigan House District is located.

    If you had to vote, would you vote for the 8 time felon or the other guy? Why.
    Distract is right. However you do ask a compelling question. Despite being a registered Dem at that time, I voted against Carolyn Cheeks, matter o' fact. Banks is interesting in that his opponent is a crackpot too. If I had the vote in the 1st [[I'm exactly five houses away, still Detroit eastside), I would leave that blank since they both suck. I've met Banks a couple times. Smooth talker and I can't say he gave me a warm fuzzy feeling.

    So I as a Detroiter just had to answer for a race I can't particpate in because...I just questioned suburban politics.
    Last edited by poobert; November-02-12 at 04:04 PM.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by brizee View Post
    After winning a five-way Democratic primary in August, Banks is favored to win the general election Tuesday in the heavily Democratic 1st District, which includes northeast Detroit, Harper Woods, Grosse Pointe Woods and part of Grosse Pointe Shores.

    "Will Detroit elect a felon...?"
    "Will Detroit elect a felon...?"

    Ok, point taken. I sit corrected.

  18. #18
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    Mar 2009

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by 5speedz34 View Post
    He started at Notre Dame Prep/Marist Academy in 2000. Taught me 8th grade History when the normal teacher was on maternity leave, later he moved over to NDP and I think taught CAD/Drafting. I always liked him, he was different than most of the other teachers but looking back on it I'm not surprised he's a Libertarian. Don't agree with any of his ideologies but I liked him as a teacher.
    I'm open to this guy being bonkers, but the facts are pretty weak here. So I'll not join the lynch mob mentality here.

    5speedz34, thanks for your post. A little balance.

    Perhaps he has gone off the edge. But this feels to me mostly like left-wing hate mentality -- of the sort the left-wing so often criticizes.

    The only facts the article presented that were of concern was the guy's deteriorating ratings in his performance reviews. I don't put much stock in one single metric of a guys value or demeanor. His school administrators disliked him. Funny. The left here demonizes him based on his performance evaluations. Then they say that teachers can't be best judged by performance evaulations. Which is it?

  20. #20


    The nice thing about living in SE Michigan is that we've got lots of dumbass white people and dumbass black people. And that they spend all their time complaining about how dumb each other are while being at least partially blind to their dumbness.

    I don't care what "black people" in general will do, nor do I care what "white people" in general will do.

    In fact, talking about what a certain group of people will generally do just feeds the fire. I vote to spend that energy on making a good case that convinces people not do something stupid.

    Yeah, I bitch about city council. But the reality is that we live in a democracy, even though I think that Detroit is probably the quintessential example for justified emergency control. Until we get that emergency control, then you can either bitch about how Detroiters vote, or you can educate and convince them to vote better leaders.

    Better yet. Run for office yourself.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by corktownyuppie View Post
    ...But the reality is that we live in a democracy, even though I think that Detroit is probably the quintessential example for justified emergency control....
    Are you conceding that emergency control is antidemocratic?

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by poobert View Post
    Distract is right. However you do ask a compelling question. Despite being a registered Dem at that time, I voted against Carolyn Cheeks, matter o' fact. Banks is interesting in that his opponent is a crackpot too. If I had the vote in the 1st [[I'm exactly five houses away, still Detroit eastside), I would leave that blank since they both suck. I've met Banks a couple times. Smooth talker and I can't say he gave me a warm fuzzy feeling.

    So I as a Detroiter just had to answer for a race I can't particpate in because...I just questioned suburban politics.
    that was a thoughtful answer.

    i am interested by the mention that "Banks ... Opponent is a crackpot too." I know absolutely nothing about Dan Schulte other than he was not one of the Council members who were recalled a year or so ago. What makes this guy a crackpot?

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2009



    Corey Hall, 37, Troy, said he chose Taj because he found Bentivolio to be "extraordinarily unimpressive. He's kind of a kook."

    Final results kook-51%. Dr. Taj- 44%.

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