Quote Originally Posted by p69rrh51 View Post
Why not you act as if Hamtramck is some great place, NOT! Just a made up city so 2 industrialists could avoid paying taxes. Laughing is just plain ignorance which is what I expect from you!
Yeah, I like Hamtramck. I do think it's a great place, actually. What's the biggie? To each their own. I kind of like the idea of being able to walk to the store, do my shopping, walking home, or walking home from the bar. Works for me.

And as far as incorporated towns and cities, what isn't a "made-up" place? Whatever Hamtramck's provenance, I daresay it has has more history and culture in 2.2 square miles than, say, all of Clinton Township.

In any event, if you don't like Hamtramck, more power to you. Should you decide to stay far, far away from Hamtramck and never visit it, I think I could console myself ... somehow.

But do keep posting. Your remarks amuse me.