I absolutely hate Mount Clemens.

The county seat should be moved somewhere with out parking meters and the city can take their parking meters and shove them where the sun does not shine.

If someone is called in for jury duty, or has to visit the idiots [[putting it kindly) at the Friend of the Court, they should not have to pay to park, or have to ride a stupid shuttle bus. Let the government workers ride the stupid shuttle, and give the guests a better spot. You see Mount Clemens is not about putting it’s best foot forward for it’s guests, it it all about screwing them over on parking meters.

The way Gratiot was routed to go around downtown, was approved by the Brain Trust of the city. Route traffic and people away from downtown, then complain about a lack of traffic downtown?

Most of all I hate Mount Clemens because they forced out the Race Track of a Flea Market.

Bulldoze the darned place for all I care.